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Why Nigeria is not a productive nation

Started by Bravebold,

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*No matter how good a government we have, Nigeria is never going to become a productive nation as long as her citizens have these 13 vices*

[1] *Nigerians are too passionate about their religious faiths.* An overwhelming number of Nigerians are more interested in going to heaven than making their country a better place. Indeed many would burn Nigeria down to the ground just because they believe it will facilitate them going to heaven. *Of course many don't practice the teachings of their religion.*😬🙈🙊

[2] *Nigerians are too closely attached to their ethnic groups and traditional rulers.* I subscribe to views of Samora Machel when he said: "For the nation to grow, the tribe must die."

[3] *Nigerians love entertainment and merriment to an obscene level.* We invest money in parties, ceremonies that should be contributed to cooperative societies to create jobs

[4] *Nigerians hate being called just plain Mr., Mrs. or Ms.* No other people in the world love amassing titles like us. Nigerians spend all our hard earned money on titles and awards that have no contribution to economic growth.

[5] *Our misguided orientation has led us to believe that how much material wealth you have is a measure of your worth*

[6] *We Nigerians believe that public transport is for the poor.*  Gustavo Petro once said: "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation."

[7] *Erroneously, Nigerians believe that the federal, state and local governments have the capacity to solve all of society's socio-economic woes*

[8] *Probably most destructive of all is the fact that we love high-end products, yet produce none of these goods ourselves.* As a people, we are shamelessly happy to import all our consumer goods. In contrast, in South Korea, their national slogan is *_"Anything we don't produce, we don't need."_*

[9] *We are embarrassingly sycophantic.* Decades of living under military rule has engrained the oga-at-the-top mentality into our psyche. Our top-to-bottom mentality makes it impossible for an average Nigerian to refuse to obey unreasonable orders from people in positions of authority

[10] *Nigerians appreciate the value of education.* However, this means they disrespect people who did not go to university irrespective of what skills they possess.

[11] *Nigerians think going into politics is to harvest government resources.*
[12] *Nigerians do not want to take responsibility for their action or inaction.* They blame everyone else but themselves. They do not believe that they should take the lead in making the country a better place.

 [13] *Most Nigerians believe in begging.* They beg and beg and beg other people to take responsibility that is purely theirs.

You simply cannot build a global superpower when your population thinks this way. A higher level of thinking is required.

*Pray my people will read and retain the one applicable to us and act on it. It is you and I that can bring the desired change and not complaining all over social media on the wrongs and incompetence of all political parties and the governments.*



*No matter how good a government we have, Nigeria is never going to become a productive nation as long as her citizens have these 13 vices*

[1] *Nigerians are too passionate about their religious faiths.* An overwhelming number of Nigerians are more interested in going to heaven than making their country a better place. Indeed many would burn Nigeria down to the ground just because they believe it will facilitate them going to heaven. *Of course many don't practice the teachings of their religion.*😬🙈🙊

[2] *Nigerians are too closely attached to their ethnic groups and traditional rulers.* I subscribe to views of Samora Machel when he said: "For the nation to grow, the tribe must die."

[3] *Nigerians love entertainment and merriment to an obscene level.* We invest money in parties, ceremonies that should be contributed to cooperative societies to create jobs

[4] *Nigerians hate being called just plain Mr., Mrs. or Ms.* No other people in the world love amassing titles like us. Nigerians spend all our hard earned money on titles and awards that have no contribution to economic growth.

[5] *Our misguided orientation has led us to believe that how much material wealth you have is a measure of your worth*

[6] *We Nigerians believe that public transport is for the poor.*  Gustavo Petro once said: "A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation."

[7] *Erroneously, Nigerians believe that the federal, state and local governments have the capacity to solve all of society's socio-economic woes*

[8] *Probably most destructive of all is the fact that we love high-end products, yet produce none of these goods ourselves.* As a people, we are shamelessly happy to import all our consumer goods. In contrast, in South Korea, their national slogan is *_"Anything we don't produce, we don't need."_*

[9] *We are embarrassingly sycophantic.* Decades of living under military rule has engrained the oga-at-the-top mentality into our psyche. Our top-to-bottom mentality makes it impossible for an average Nigerian to refuse to obey unreasonable orders from people in positions of authority

[10] *Nigerians appreciate the value of education.* However, this means they disrespect people who did not go to university irrespective of what skills they possess.

[11] *Nigerians think going into politics is to harvest government resources.*
[12] *Nigerians do not want to take responsibility for their action or inaction.* They blame everyone else but themselves. They do not believe that they should take the lead in making the country a better place.

 [13] *Most Nigerians believe in begging.* They beg and beg and beg other people to take responsibility that is purely theirs.

You simply cannot build a global superpower when your population thinks this way. A higher level of thinking is required.

*Pray my people will read and retain the one applicable to us and act on it. It is you and I that can bring the desired change and not complaining all over social media on the wrongs and incompetence of all political parties and the governments.*


🡱 🡳

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