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Partner ifako-ijaiye platform and earn money

Started by Adawebs,

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Partner ifako-ijaiye platform and earn money
When you partner with ifako Ijaiye platform you can earn money in many ways
1. Refer other people and earn cash and reward point. You reward points can be converted to ur crypto NBT token  airdrop in future.
2. Add Businesses and charge and keep 100%
3. Advertise for other businesses and earn 100% income you keep.
4. Get display banner adverts and get 30% as a paid member 10% as a free member.
5. Moderate your nearby area and earn
And many more ways.
Sign up free today and start to enjoy the benefits



Partner ifako-ijaiye platform and earn money
When you partner with ifako Ijaiye platform you can earn money in many ways
1. Refer other people and earn cash and reward point. You reward points can be converted to ur crypto NBT token  airdrop in future.
2. Add Businesses and charge and keep 100%
3. Advertise for other businesses and earn 100% income you keep.
4. Get display banner adverts and get 30% as a paid member 10% as a free member.
5. Moderate your nearby area and earn
And many more ways.
Sign up free today and start to enjoy the benefits



🡱 🡳

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