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Why You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader

Started by Adawebs,

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11 lessons I learned from the book "You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader"


1. All leadership begins with self-mastery. You can't lead others until you can first lead yourself.

2. Influence and inspiration come from the person, not the position.

3. At the heart of every successful organization is a title- less person.

4. One of the greatest compliments you can be paid as a leader is to have someone say that you helped them be better than they thought they could be.

5. Know the difference between impressing people and influencing them. Impressing them changes what they think. Influencing them changes what they do.

6. You always accomplish more cooperating with people than you do competing against them.

7. In the past leaders are those who know the right answers. Today, leaders are those who know the right questions.

8. Position never determines performance in life, ultimately performance determines position in life.

9. When something doesn't happen, there is always an explanation. But never accept an explanation as an excuse. ...Instead, use explanations to figure out what happened, then look for the lesson that will prevent that something from happening again.

10. You don't necessarily have to be smarter or better educated to succeed. Your power lies in your ability to focus on doing what is important. If you focus on the right things, and work at them often, you will achieve exceptional results.

11. Leaders, untitled or otherwise, realize the extraordinary impact they can have on others and the world around them. They consciously choose to exercise their abilities, skills, and knowledge to help make a difference.

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11 lessons I learned from the book "You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader"


1. All leadership begins with self-mastery. You can't lead others until you can first lead yourself.

2. Influence and inspiration come from the person, not the position.

3. At the heart of every successful organization is a title- less person.

4. One of the greatest compliments you can be paid as a leader is to have someone say that you helped them be better than they thought they could be.

5. Know the difference between impressing people and influencing them. Impressing them changes what they think. Influencing them changes what they do.

6. You always accomplish more cooperating with people than you do competing against them.

7. In the past leaders are those who know the right answers. Today, leaders are those who know the right questions.

8. Position never determines performance in life, ultimately performance determines position in life.

9. When something doesn't happen, there is always an explanation. But never accept an explanation as an excuse. ...Instead, use explanations to figure out what happened, then look for the lesson that will prevent that something from happening again.

10. You don't necessarily have to be smarter or better educated to succeed. Your power lies in your ability to focus on doing what is important. If you focus on the right things, and work at them often, you will achieve exceptional results.

11. Leaders, untitled or otherwise, realize the extraordinary impact they can have on others and the world around them. They consciously choose to exercise their abilities, skills, and knowledge to help make a difference.

Thanks for reading




The Truths Nobody Wants to Admit

1. You have two options: you either work towards your dream or get hired to build someone else's dream and make their dream come true. The choice is yours.

2. You do not need to be big to make a big difference. Every little help.

3. We often blame people because we do not have the guts to admit or accept our faults. We choose to not take accountability of our actions but looks for someone or thing to blame.

4. Envy only harms and consumes the one who is envious towards others just like fire consumes firewood.

5. Everyone is showing you some sort of façade, which might be different from the inner version.

6. The more intimately you know someone, the more clearly you will see their flaws. This is why marriages fail, why children are abandoned, why friendships don't last, and relationships suffer.

7. Chased love is not love, it is just a waste of time.





Earl Nightingale
🌐 English

Six short and simple words.They are the "strangest secret."There are more than six hundred thousand words in the English language.And yet just six words...six short and simple words explain:How one person with identical skills can earn hundreds of thousands and even millions more than anotherHow some people shoot to the top of the company while others are firedWhy some people live happy productive lives while people of identical upbringings and education stumble from failure to failureWhy some seem to achieve goals almost effortlessly while most can't seem to get on trackWhy some marriages flourish while others end earlyIn 1956 Earl Nightingale shared these six words with the world in a recording he called The Strangest Secret. When it was released, it rocked the consciousness of the 1950′s.His recording, without any advertising or formal marketing, sold over a million albums and became the first (and only) spoken word message to win a...



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