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Men's Health

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Men's Health


I get to see this question a lot from guys but I'm here to give you the answer today.

There is no definite duration a guy must wait for the second round of sexual intercourse following an orgasm
    *Refractory Period*
The duration, referred to as the refractory period.

The refractory period is the span of time after having an orgasm during which a person is not sexually responsive.

Refractory Period  actually differs from person to person and depends on various factors including general health, age, diet, lifestyle, and libido.

As for Women, they need only wait a few seconds before the second round, with many even
achieving multiple orgasms in one session.

In comparison, the male refractory period varies post-ejaculation, with some men ready after a few minutes and some men needing several hours to days. And this is the thing here...

Age factor increases the refractory period, meaning

Older people typically need more time (as many as 24 hours) to get aroused for the next round of sexual stimulation.

Yes, a guy can shorten his refractory period and sexual response.This can be achieved by following measures that center around a few things, including:

✅Sexual arousal techniques 😉
✅Improving sexual function
✅ Boosting overall health

2 tips to enhance sexual arousal
✅Experimenting with positions: Trying a new position once in a while may provide some men with a different type of sexual arousal
that could influence the time they get aroused for the next session.

✅Experimenting with foreplay: Areas such as the ears, neck, nipples, lips, and testicles are more sensitive to touch than others. Playing with these areas by pulling or twisting them can
Intensify sexual stimulation and lead to a shorter refractory period.

2 tips to boost sexual function
✅Practicing Kegel exercises
✅Skipping alcohol before sex: Alcohol can affect heart functions and sensations in the private parts, thus reducing the
time needed for arousal. Drinking heavily regularly can result in decreased human sexuality in the long run

Overall health plays a role in improving human sexuality. Being overweight, taking certain medication, or having medical
conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, has a major effect on sexual performance. Hence, it becomes necessary to exercise for at least 20 minutes daily and eat a balanced diet.

Fix your diet as well




Men's Health


I get to see this question a lot from guys but I'm here to give you the answer today.

There is no definite duration a guy must wait for the second round of sexual intercourse following an orgasm
    *Refractory Period*
The duration, referred to as the refractory period.

The refractory period is the span of time after having an orgasm during which a person is not sexually responsive.

Refractory Period  actually differs from person to person and depends on various factors including general health, age, diet, lifestyle, and libido.

As for Women, they need only wait a few seconds before the second round, with many even
achieving multiple orgasms in one session.

In comparison, the male refractory period varies post-ejaculation, with some men ready after a few minutes and some men needing several hours to days. And this is the thing here...

Age factor increases the refractory period, meaning

Older people typically need more time (as many as 24 hours) to get aroused for the next round of sexual stimulation.

Yes, a guy can shorten his refractory period and sexual response.This can be achieved by following measures that center around a few things, including:

✅Sexual arousal techniques 😉
✅Improving sexual function
✅ Boosting overall health

2 tips to enhance sexual arousal
✅Experimenting with positions: Trying a new position once in a while may provide some men with a different type of sexual arousal
that could influence the time they get aroused for the next session.

✅Experimenting with foreplay: Areas such as the ears, neck, nipples, lips, and testicles are more sensitive to touch than others. Playing with these areas by pulling or twisting them can
Intensify sexual stimulation and lead to a shorter refractory period.

2 tips to boost sexual function
✅Practicing Kegel exercises
✅Skipping alcohol before sex: Alcohol can affect heart functions and sensations in the private parts, thus reducing the
time needed for arousal. Drinking heavily regularly can result in decreased human sexuality in the long run

Overall health plays a role in improving human sexuality. Being overweight, taking certain medication, or having medical
conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, has a major effect on sexual performance. Hence, it becomes necessary to exercise for at least 20 minutes daily and eat a balanced diet.

Fix your diet as well





Gynecomastia is the enlargement of a male's breast as a result of hormone imbalance (increased estrogen levels.
Not a valid attachment ID.




This is a bilateral inguinoscrotal hernia. You will often see quacks on TV proposing herbal t'ment for its cure.

Spoiler alert: You can drink a whole barrel of herbal med & nothing will change. You might even destroy your kidneys in the process. Definite treatment is surgery!





There is no standard definition but consensus is that it is a type of erectile dysfunction where a man reaches climax within a few moments (a minute) of initiating sexual relations and without control.

In other words ejaculation occurs before a man wants it to happen.
This can be a source of stress, depression and embarrassment. It is said that up to 30% of men struggle with premature ejaculation.

✅Ejaculation that happens with little sexual stimulation and no control.
✅Diminished sexual pleasure because of no control over ejaculation.
✅Feeling guilty, embarrassment or frustrated with your ejaculation.

✅Genetic, for some people the problem runs in the family.
✅Stress or depression potentiates premature ejaculation.
✅Negative attitude towards the idea of sex.
✅ Low self confidence probably due to concerns over sexual performance.
✅Peer pressure due to a strong desire to impress.
✅Low levels of a hormone called serotonin in the brain.
✅Erectile dysfunction may cause one to ejaculate early for fear of losing the erection.
✅Alcohol abuse or dependence
The list of causes is long.

The above list is not complete in any shape or form.

Your doctor will ask you a series of questions and do some tests if need be. He/She may do a physical examination where it is indicated.

Treatment will depend on the cause and it ranges from non-medical remedies, psychotherapy, medicines and surgery.
If you are struggling with premature ejaculation seek help. See a doctor near you. There is no real reason why you should continue to suffer when help is available.

Complications of PE
✅In rare cases infertility (When unable to penetrate before ejaculation)





My men, after urinating, shake your penis for about 8 - 15 seconds. Healthwise

Some of you don't shake at all, after urination straight into the boxers.

These are the same boxers some of you have been wearing for 3-5 days.




Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease is a condition that causes curvature of the penis, making erections painful and difficult. It affects about 1 in 10 men, but it's not often talked about

Peyronie's disease is caused by scar tissue that forms inside the penis, which can result in a curved or bent penis. It can also cause other symptoms, such as pain during erections and difficulty with penetration

Penises vary in shape and size, and having a curved erection isn't necessarily a cause for concern. But Peyronie's disease causes a significant bend or pain in some men

There is no one cause of Peyronie's disease, but it is believed to be related to trauma or injury to the penis, as well as genetics and other health conditions

Peyronie's disease can have a significant impact on a man's quality of life, causing anxiety, stress, depression, erectile dysfunction, and shortening of the penis. It's important to seek treatment to manage the symptoms and improve sexual function

There are several treatment options available for Peyronie's disease, including medication, injections, and surgery. Your doctor can help determine which treatment option is right for you

If you're experiencing symptoms of Peyronie's disease, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor. With the right treatment and support, it's possible to manage the condition and regain sexual function





Penis health involves more than just erections. Here 👇 are the most common penis problems.

1. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: This condition makes it difficult to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex.

2. EJACULATION PROBLEMS: These include the inability to ejaculate, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, painful ejaculation, small amount of  ejaculation produced.

3. ANORGASMIA: This is the inability to achieve an orgasm despite enough stimulation.

4. DECREASED LIBIDO: With this condition, desire for sex is lower than usual.

5. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS: These include genital warts, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and genital herpes. These infections can cause painful urination, penis discharge, andsores or blisters on the penis or in the genital area.

6. YEAST INFECTION: This condition can cause inflammation of the head of the penis, also called balanitis, a rash, differently colored patches of skin on the penis, itching or burning, and a white discharge

7. PEYRONIE DISEASE: In this condition, scar tissue develops inside the penis. This often results painful erections.

8. PENILE CANCER: The cancer may begin as a blister on the foreskin, head/ shaft of the penis. It then becomes a wartlike growth that discharges watery pus.





Understanding Penal Fractures: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Penal fractures, also known as penile fractures, are a rare but painful urological injury that occurs when there is a traumatic rupture of the tunica albuginea, a thick fibrous covering that surrounds the corpora cavernosa in the penis. This injury is often associated with sexual activity and can have serious consequences if not promptly treated. In today's dose of men's health, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for penal fractures.


Penal fractures are most commonly caused by vigorous sexual activity, particularly during sexual intercourse when there is an abrupt bending or twisting of the erect penis. Some common scenarios that can lead to a penal fracture include:

Sudden and forceful bending of the penis during intercourse.
Accidental injury or trauma to the erect penis.
Aggressive masturbation.
Falling or striking the erect penis against a hard surface.

The symptoms of a penal fracture are usually quite apparent and include:

Sudden, severe pain in the penis at the time of injury.
An audible popping or cracking sound during the injury.
Immediate loss of erection.
Swelling and bruising of the penis.
Difficulty or inability to urinate.
Deformity of the penis, often with an angulation or curvature.
Blood at the tip of the penis or blood in the urine.

If you suspect a penal fracture, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. A healthcare provider will typically diagnose the condition through a combination of physical examination and imaging studies. These may include:

Physical Examination: The doctor will assess the penis for signs of swelling, bruising, deformity, and tenderness. They may gently manipulate the penis to assess its flexibility and any angulation.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound of the penis can provide a detailed view of the injury, helping the doctor determine the extent and location of the fracture.

X-ray or MRI: In some cases, an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to confirm the diagnosis or assess associated injuries.


Prompt treatment of a penal fracture is essential to prevent complications and ensure the best possible outcome. The treatment typically involves surgery to repair the ruptured tunica albuginea. The surgical procedure, known as a tunica albuginea repair, aims to:

Repair the torn tissue: The surgeon will carefully suture the torn edges of the tunica albuginea to restore its integrity.

Minimize scarring: Efforts are made to minimize scarring and preserve erectile function.

Prevent complications: Surgery can help prevent complications such as erectile dysfunction or Peyronie's disease, a condition characterized by penile curvature.


Recovery after surgery for a penal fracture may vary from person to person, but most individuals can expect to resume sexual activity within a few weeks to a few months, depending on the extent of the injury. It's important to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions and attend follow-up appointments for proper healing and assessment of erectile function.


Penal fractures are a rare but serious urological injury that can occur during sexual activity or due to trauma. Prompt medical attention and surgical intervention are crucial for a successful recovery. While penal fractures are painful and distressing, with appropriate treatment and care, most individuals can regain normal erectile function and return to a fulfilling sex life. Remember that seeking immediate medical attention is essential if you suspect a penal fracture to ensure the best possible outcome.

NOTE: Be careful of the positions you assume during sex because you could be on your way to the ER in the next few minutes.





Perhaps one of the biggest questions of the centuries. The answer to this question has put smiles on some people's faces, made people sad & destroyed some homes

So what's the answer?

For context Flaccid means when penis is not erect. Erect is when it is hard.

studies that were done and based on measurements from different men.
the average length of an erect penis is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches (12.95-13.97 cm)
Many men wanted bigger

The average length of Flaccid (Not erect penis) Penis length: 9.16 cm (3.61 inches )

Now of course we know that race could have an interplay too (Blacks are known to have Bigger Penises)
? Genetics
? Environment
?Events at birth
? Use of substances

Does size really matter to Women?
 Oh yes.
A poll was done in 2014. 84 percent of women said they were happy with their partner's penis sizes
Could there have been biases..since some were married and some were unmarried?

A study done in 75 women in 2015. Responses of the women were they preferred men that had above 6.4 inches ( 16.3 cm) their responses were based on interactions with 3D Penises

A study done by National academy of Sciences revealed that women were attracted to men with bigger penises.
The bigger the better for them.

Some alluded to finding men with bigger penis prints attractive just by looking at their trousers.

Do some Men have Small Penises?
Yes. A small penis or Micropenis is a Penis smaller than 3.5inches ( 8.8cm)

Studies have shown that some men with smaller penises had self-esteem issues and desired bigger penises

What could cause Small Penises in Men

Sometimes No known cause. Some people are born that way.

-Some medical conditions are also associated with Small penises

-Some hormone problems both at the level of the Brain and Sexual hormones.

Some things can also cause Men's penises to reduce

As you age well likely.
Some studies have shown smoking can cause penis to be smaller ( controversial)
-A condition called Peyronies disease in which the person is abnormally curved can also cause smaller penises

What to do to ensure adequate Penis health

-Don't be shy about your Penis
-Eat healthy
-Cut alcohol and Smoking
If you have medical conditions and a Smaller penis seek help by seeing a Doctor.
Avoid unnecessary use of drugs



HPV in Men's Health

Title: HPV in Men's Sexual Health: Understanding the Risks and Prevention


Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the world. While discussions around HPV often focus on its impact on women and the risk of cervical cancer, it is crucial to recognize that HPV also poses significant health risks to men. In this  write up, we will explore the various aspects of HPV in men's sexual health, including its prevalence, risks, and preventive measures.

Understanding HPV

HPV is a group of over 200 related viruses, some of which are sexually transmitted. These viruses can affect both men and women and are primarily spread through sexual contact. HPV is categorized into low-risk and high-risk types. Low-risk types can cause genital warts, while high-risk types are associated with various cancers, including cervical, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers.

Prevalence in Men

HPV is highly prevalent among sexually active men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly all sexually active individuals will contract at least one type of HPV during their lifetime. In men, HPV infection is commonly asymptomatic, meaning they may not experience any noticeable symptoms. This makes it challenging for men to know if they are carriers of the virus.

Signs of HPV

The most common are small, hard sores called warts, but not everyone who has HPV gets them. They may be raised, flat, or shaped like a cauliflower, and they can be different sizes. They can show up on your genital area or other places, depending on the type of the virus you have. These warts often go away on their own. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs can help get rid of them faster, but those can have side effects like swollen or irritated skin.

Health Risks for Men

While men are less likely than women to develop HPV-related cancers, they are still at risk. HPV can cause various health problems in men, including:

Genital Warts: One of the most common visible manifestations of HPV in men is the development of genital warts. These warts can appear on the penis, scrotum, anus, and groin area. Although genital warts are typically not cancerous, they can be uncomfortable and may require medical treatment.

Throat and Anal Cancers: High-risk HPV types can lead to cancers of the throat and anus in men. These cancers can be serious and, if not detected early, can be life-threatening.

Penile Cancer: While relatively rare, HPV infection can contribute to penile cancer. Men with persistent high-risk HPV infections may face an increased risk of developing this cancer.


Preventing HPV in men's sexual health involves both vaccination and safe sexual practices:

HPV Vaccination: The HPV vaccine is a highly effective way to prevent HPV-related diseases. It is recommended for all adolescents and young adults, including men up to age 26. Vaccination not only protects against genital warts but also reduces the risk of HPV-related cancers.

Safe Sexual Practices: Practicing safe sex, such as consistent and correct condom use, can reduce the risk of HPV transmission. Limiting the number of sexual partners and choosing partners who are vaccinated can also help lower the risk.

Regular Check-ups: Men should attend regular check-ups with their healthcare providers to discuss their sexual health and receive screenings for HPV-related issues.


HPV is a significant concern for men's sexual health, given its prevalence and potential health risks. It is essential for men to be informed about HPV, its risks, and the available preventive measures. By getting vaccinated, practicing safe sex, and seeking regular healthcare check-ups, men can take proactive steps to protect themselves from HPV-related health problems. Public awareness and education are critical in reducing the burden of HPV in men and improving overall sexual health.

NOTE :  Practice Safe Sex.



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