Affordable Dental Clinic with Dentist of 20yrs experience : Facemirror Dental , 3 Akinfenwa Str., Off Thomas Salako Str. Behind Tantalize Ogba-Ijaiye . 08033181698



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Affordable Dental Clinic with Dentist of 20yrs experience : Facemirror Dental , 3 Akinfenwa Str., Off Thomas Salako Str. Behind Tantalize Ogba-Ijaiye . 08033181698

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1. Envy: People with a crab mentality often feel envious of others' achievements and success.

2. Negative Comments: They frequently make negative comments or criticisms about others, especially when they see them doing well.

3. Undermining: They may actively work to undermine the efforts or opportunities of those around them.

4. Sabotage: People with a crab mentality might secretly sabotage others' chances for success or advancement.

5. Gossip: They engage in gossip and rumor-spreading to tarnish others' reputations.

6. Lack of Support: Instead of offering support or encouragement, they discourage and demotivate others.

7. Discouragement: They often downplay the importance of goals and aspirations, discouraging those who are trying to achieve them.

8. Relishing in Failures: They take satisfaction in the misfortunes or failures of others.

9. Competition Over Collaboration: Crab mentality fosters a competitive rather than a collaborative environment.

10. Resistance to Change: They resist changes and innovations that could lead to progress, preferring the status quo.

Note: *A jealous family member is more dangerous than a hateful enemy.*




1. Envy: People with a crab mentality often feel envious of others' achievements and success.

2. Negative Comments: They frequently make negative comments or criticisms about others, especially when they see them doing well.

3. Undermining: They may actively work to undermine the efforts or opportunities of those around them.

4. Sabotage: People with a crab mentality might secretly sabotage others' chances for success or advancement.

5. Gossip: They engage in gossip and rumor-spreading to tarnish others' reputations.

6. Lack of Support: Instead of offering support or encouragement, they discourage and demotivate others.

7. Discouragement: They often downplay the importance of goals and aspirations, discouraging those who are trying to achieve them.

8. Relishing in Failures: They take satisfaction in the misfortunes or failures of others.

9. Competition Over Collaboration: Crab mentality fosters a competitive rather than a collaborative environment.

10. Resistance to Change: They resist changes and innovations that could lead to progress, preferring the status quo.

Note: *A jealous family member is more dangerous than a hateful enemy.*



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