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Yoruba Proverbs

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Ẹnu ẹyẹ ni ńpẹyẹ; ẹnu òrofó ní ńpa òrofó; òrofó bí ọmọ mẹ́fà, ó ní ilé òun kún ṣọ́ṣọ́.
The mouth of the wild pigeon is its undoing; it hatches six chicks & brags that it's nest is completely filled.
[Not very smart to brag; bragging & boasting can be self-defeating]

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Bí a ti ńṣe ní ibì kan, èèwọ̀ ibòmíràn ni.

What is acceptable in one place is an abomination in another.

)Different strokes for different folks: what is objectionable to one may be perfectly in order to another; broad-mindedness is it.)




Ẹni tó sùn là ńjí, a kì í jí apirọrọ; táa bá jí apirọrọ kò ní dáhùn.

You can only wake someone who is truly asleep, not one pretending to be asleep; the person pretending to be asleep will not respond, if you wake him or her.

(Unsolicited help is hardly appreciated.)




Tí ìṣẹ́ ò bá jẹ́ ká ṣòdodo, àìṣòdodo ò ní jẹ́ ká bọ́ lọ́wọ́ ìṣẹ́.

If fear of poverty makes us live dishonestly, dishonest living will keep us entrenched in poverty, as well.

(Honesty pays; dishonesty can be costly, at the end.)




Bí a bá pẹ́ ní ààtàn a máa rí abuké eṣinṣin.

If we can tarry long at the refuse dump, we will get to see a humpy housefly.

(Be patient: with time and patience, virtually nothing is impossible; whatever seems unresolvable may well need a bit more time.)








Ajá kì í rorò títí, kó ṣọ́ ojú'lé méjì.

No matter how tough a dog is, it cannot watch over two separate houses.

(There is a limit to what any one person can do: cooperate and collaborate more.)




Ìwà lẹ̀sìn; bí a bá ṣe mọ̀ ọ́ hù ni í ṣeé gbe'ni.

Character is like religion; how good one's character is, that is how well it favours one.

(Good character attracts good fortune; bad character repels it.)




Nínú òfíì, nínú ọ̀láà ni ọmọ páńdọ̀rọ̀ ńdàgbà

It is in the midst of their being blown here and there, that the pendulous fruits of the sausage tree mature, eventually.

(Quitting is the bane of success: it makes failing certain; don't quit and you can't but win, at the end)




Dídákẹ́ lerin dákẹ́, àjànàkú ló lẹgàn.

The elephant is simply unpretentious; its lordship of the forest isn't in doubt.

(Do not mistake meekness for stupidity nor gentleness for weakness; take no one for granted.)


Ẹni tó ṣe ohun tó dun'ni lóòní lè ṣe ohun tí yóò dùn mọ́'ni l'ọ́la

A person who hurts you today may be a blessing to you tomorrow.

(Keep an open mind and be positive: there are no permanent enemies, but permanent interests; isolate and focus on the issue not on the person)




Ẹyìn tí yóò di epo, yóò tọ́ iná wò.

A palm nut that desires to become palm oil will have a taste of fire.

(Good things do not always come easy: there's often a price tag; no pain, no gain.)




A kì í sòótọ́ inú, kí ọ̀rọ̀ ẹni má d'ayọ̀, báyé ẹni bá dojúrú, ìwà èèyàn ló yẹ ká wò

A honest life cannot but end well; if a life remains unpleasant, the person's character should be examined.

(Our character often determines our experience; tweak it for a better life.)




Ẹni bá dúpẹ́ oore àná, á rí òmíràn gbà.

Whoever is thankful for yesterday's kindness, will be favored with another.

(Be grateful: gratitude attracts further kind acts.)


Àìrìn jìnnà làìrí abuké ọ̀kẹ́rẹ́; báa bá dé igbó tó tó igbó, àá rí ẹranko tó ńtiro

Not travelling far enough is why one may not have seen a squirrel with a hump; if one can get deep into the forest, one will see animals that limp.

(Lack of exposure makes for narrow-mindness)


A kì í ṣe fáàrí ẹ̀ṣẹ́ dídì, sí ọmọ adẹ́tẹ̀.

Don't brag about fists in the presence of a leper.

(Be considerate, courteous and tactful. Be sensitive and show empathy.)



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