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Re: Advertise on NaijaCities App by Adawebs


Become Naijacities Memeber and Make Money

Started by Adawebs,

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Become a Member of Naijacities and Earn Money using your mobile phone working from home in your spare time

Naijacities app  consists of Localities business forums each small business, local shops and stores  for Discussions with customers whereby customers can ask questions on each business page and business owner can post answers, post more updates and  customers can also post reviews.

As a member of Naijacities you can make working using only your mobile phone working from home in your spare time.

We have different categories of membership and you make money from different ways such as
1. From bold sticking business listing on first page of  each town or city.
2. From display banner adverts on town, city, state or nationwide
3. Refer other people to members of Naijacities.
4. You can also format business page Forum and charge a token if you know how to do that adding key words and colors and boldness etc.


We have
Gold Member
Silver Member
Bronze Member
Basic Member.

How to start
1. Download naijacities App @
2. Sign up FREE @
3. Read more details @
4. Use your referral link on your profile to invite other people to join free.  You will always get notification when anyone join through your link. (  click your name and click action then click summary and copy your referral link. The go to and shirtrn it like for this page your reading)
5. Start to add small local businesses in your area, town and city .

Watch the video how to add business a forum.( go to the town/city and click add business.

Tell business own your company is creating business listing and business page Forum for each business in the town and is free but if you want your business to be on page one in this town is N1000 per month and our members promote businesses on page 1.

Do you want to sell more of your products? Then get your business listed on this town platform on Naijacities.
We can also create banner and display your banner on all businesses in this town or more towns or this state even nationwide at a small adverts  rates of N1500 per town and N30,000 per state and N900,000 nationwide per month.
Tell the business owner to download the naijacities app and sign up so that he can update his business page Forum.

Upgrade your membership to any of these.
Tell the business owners that they also can become active members of Naijacities and earn extra money inviting it her businesses.

Gold Member fee N5,000 and earn 30%  from all adverts and when refer other members

Silver Member fee is N3,000 and earn 20% from all adverts and when refer  members.

Bronze members fee is N1,500 and earn 10% from all adverts and when refer members.

Basic Member fee is N1000 and earn 5% for all adverts and members  refer.

Free member: start free and test run naijacities and start to invite people.




Become a Member of Naijacities and Earn Money using your mobile phone working from home in your spare time

Naijacities app  consists of Localities business forums each small business, local shops and stores  for Discussions with customers whereby customers can ask questions on each business page and business owner can post answers, post more updates and  customers can also post reviews.

As a member of Naijacities you can make working using only your mobile phone working from home in your spare time.

We have different categories of membership and you make money from different ways such as
1. From bold sticking business listing on first page of  each town or city.
2. From display banner adverts on town, city, state or nationwide
3. Refer other people to members of Naijacities.
4. You can also format business page Forum and charge a token if you know how to do that adding key words and colors and boldness etc.


We have
Gold Member
Silver Member
Bronze Member
Basic Member.

How to start
1. Download naijacities App @
2. Sign up FREE @
3. Read more details @
4. Use your referral link on your profile to invite other people to join free.  You will always get notification when anyone join through your link. (  click your name and click action then click summary and copy your referral link. The go to and shirtrn it like for this page your reading)
5. Start to add small local businesses in your area, town and city .

Watch the video how to add business a forum.( go to the town/city and click add business.

Tell business own your company is creating business listing and business page Forum for each business in the town and is free but if you want your business to be on page one in this town is N1000 per month and our members promote businesses on page 1.

Do you want to sell more of your products? Then get your business listed on this town platform on Naijacities.
We can also create banner and display your banner on all businesses in this town or more towns or this state even nationwide at a small adverts  rates of N1500 per town and N30,000 per state and N900,000 nationwide per month.
Tell the business owner to download the naijacities app and sign up so that he can update his business page Forum.

Upgrade your membership to any of these.
Tell the business owners that they also can become active members of Naijacities and earn extra money inviting it her businesses.

Gold Member fee N5,000 and earn 30%  from all adverts and when refer other members

Silver Member fee is N3,000 and earn 20% from all adverts and when refer  members.

Bronze members fee is N1,500 and earn 10% from all adverts and when refer members.

Basic Member fee is N1000 and earn 5% for all adverts and members  refer.

Free member: start free and test run naijacities and start to invite people.






Print this flyer and give people.
Change the sign up link to your own that you have shorten as mentioned above

Download Naijacities App and Make Money
1. Download naijacities App @
2. Sign up FREE @

Invite to download naijacities and sign up using your referral link by:
Sharing the 4 steps above to Facebook. Twitter whatsapp and WhatsApp channel and tiktok.










Gold Member fee N5,000 and earn 30%  from all adverts and when refer other members
1. Bold sticking first page listing you earn N300 from N1000
2. A town banner your earn N450 per N1500
3. State adverts you earn N9,000 per state ads
4. Nationwide ads you earn N270,000 per 900K ads

Silver Member fee is N3,000 and earn 20% from all adverts and when refer  members.

1. Bold sticking first page listing you earn N200 from N1000
2. A town banner your earn N300 per N1500
3. State adverts you earn N6,000 per state N30k ads
4. Nationwide ads you earn N180,000 per 900K ads

Bronze members fee is N1,500 and earn 10% from all adverts and when refer members.

1. Bold sticking first page listing you earn N100 from N1000
2. A town banner your earn N150 per N1500
3. State adverts you earn N3,000 per state 30k ads
4. Nationwide ads you earn N90,000 per 900K ads

Basic Member fee is N1000 and earn 5% for all adverts and members  refer.
1. Bold sticking first page listing you earn N50 from N1000
2.A town banner your earn N75 per N1500
3.State adverts you earn N1,500 per state  30k ads
4. Nationwide ads you earn N45,000 per 900K ads

Free member: start free and test run naijacities and start to invite people.




Once you add a business in a town then automatically  business page Forum will be created and the the business will be listed on the town.

How to add business

1. Add business Name on the subject space
2. On description Insert business category and brief summary
3. Key word you can leave it empty or add words that you think people will type on Google search when finding the business
4. On the space provided insert
Business Name, address, phone numbers. Social media inks if any.
Click attachment to add picture ( after upload, click the arrow and then click insert .
Click post and the business will automatically be listed on the two and business page forum will be created where customers can ask questions.



🡱 🡳

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