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Daily prayers

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Daily prayers







Miracle like dreams, Breakthroughs like surprises
Unexpected favours that will bring shout of Hallelujah will be upon you and your household in Jesus name
The land shall bring its increase to you from today
You shall not lack good things in life in Jesus Name
GOOD MORNING and have victorious TUESDAY     




In the name of our Lord, i welcome you and your household into this seventh  month and the beginning of the second half of year 2023. As seven signifies perfection and completion, in this seventh month of the year, I pray that the Lord shall bring every unfinished projects that you have started to successful completion. He shall perfect all that concerns you and your loved ones. Seven also signifies rest; therefore in this seventh month of  the year the Lord shall grant your heart desires on every side and give you rest of mind. He shall crown all your efforts, throughout this month and beyond,  with his goodness and make your life beautiful in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN. Enjoy divine uplifting, satisfaction and rest this weekend, day and season. Remember to always stay safe, healthy and strong. Happy New Month and continue swimming in God's favour




*My prayers for you this morning:*

*As you progress through this month of July 2023, the angels of the Lord will go with you and the Hands of God will guide you.*
*You will neither fall nor falter and it will be a remarkable month for you.*
*Sorrows, pains and disappointments will not be your portion in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.*
*You shall record successes in all areas of your endeavors.*
*You shall recover all your past losses as you shall end this month well with celebrations and thanksgiving in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.*
*Before you ask, Heaven will seal it.*
*The Lord will visit your life in a special way and make all your dreams come true.*
*You will knock one door and thousand doors shall be opened unto you.*
*The Lord will uphold you and your household and protect you from all evil machinations.*
*There will be no sickness, failure, disappointments nor infirmities in your domain.*
Whosoever troubles you, The Almighty God will trouble them.
God will grant you divine grace to unexpected favors in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

A very beautiful morning to you.
Have a very beautiful  weekend.






Today the mark of outstanding favour shall be seen on you.Wherever you go, men and women shall bless you.Miracle will meet miracles in your life. Happiness shall meet happiness in your home. Blessings will meet blessing in your family.you will enjoy abundance of God's grace and it shall be well with you. God will elevate you,His grace will go before you and your family now and forever more in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼




As you rise today, may the Lord answer you and open a new chapter in your life in Jesus Name Amen.
I pray that the miracle that looks impossible, the favour that brings confusion to the camp of the enemies will be granted unto you in Jesus Name Amen.
Good morning beloved trust you had a blissful night.
Don't give up on doing the right thing.
Opportunities often present themselves as ordinary.
You are a child of God.
He made you.
We need to always believe in the faith we are holding on to,to be able to face boldly whatever we are faced with in life, believing and saying no matter what l am coming out victoriously.
You need to position yourself with the attitude to see the ordinary as an opportunity for God to move.
We are at that stage in life where we always remind ourselves that real transformation takes time.
Remain Blessed.




God will remember your request today and grant you speedy answers.All your good aspirations and every heart desires of yours shall come to fulfilment.I decree that drizzles of comfort,  showers of abundant blessing,rain of fortune,  flood of everlasting mercies,unmerited favour shall all be yours today and always.Good morning,and have a great week.




May the hands of the Almighty God,the King of Glory bring mighty things of great joy to you today as you venture into a new day. The Almighty God shall do for you the unthinkable concerning your heartfelt desires, you will survive every challenges and you will be victorious today and always in Jesus mighty Name.Amen.Good Morning and have a blessed and wonderful weekend.Stay Safe.




Roman's 8:28" And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Out of ignorance Joseph's enemies paid his transport fare to his land of fulfilment. Out of ignorance Haman helped Modecai to his place of honour. Henceforth out of ignorance  your enemies will help you to fulfil your good dreams in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen. Goodmorning, Have a great and wonderful day Sir.



*My prayer for you today;*

*"Then the land will yield its fruit, and you will eat your fill and dwell there in safety." (Leviticus 25:19)*

*May the Lord make a hedge of safety around you and your household always.*
*May He preserve your going out and your coming in and make you untouchable for the wicked one.*
*You will not be a victim of evil arrows in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.*
*You will enjoy peace like a river and your horns shall be exalted.*
*You will not experience lack.*
*You will live in abundance all the days of your life.*
*The Lord will enlarge your coasts and cause you to dwell in safety and peace in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.*
*I pray the Almighty God will continue to be your guide, your comforter, your great provider and meet you always at the point of your needs.*
*Untimely death is cancelled in your life and in your family.*
*You shall live to declare the glory of God in the land of the living.*
*Greater things will be your portion the rest of this month and beyond.*
*You will excel in all your endeavors by the grace of Almighty God.*
*Arise and shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.*

*A beautiful morning to you.*
*Happy weekend.*
*I wish you a very restful weekend.*







There are things we must carry and handle with extra care because these things are fragile and once broken, they are not easy to fix. Once some of these things get broken, they can lead to huge damage and destiny wastage. These are:

1. Your Name

Your name is very important and fragile. There are names that _stink_ in the ears of people simply because, those who bear the names have lived carelessly. The way to handle your name with care is to be careful of what you do. *Your actions can rubbish your name. A good name can open doors for you and for your children even generations after you.*
Carry your name with care. It is a huge asset.

2: Your heart

Many hearts are broken, shattered, wounded and embittered today. One of the factors responsible for this is that some of these owners have been careless with their hearts. You can guard your heart from being broken and poisoned. *Run away from people, and things that are bent on breaking your heart.* Carry your heart like a crate of eggs. You need a whole heart before you can be said to be fully whole!

3: Your purpose

Your purpose is your destiny. If you don't handle it with utmost care, it can slip off, gaze and get broken. So many things can come like pressure on this crate of eggs of purpose. Discouragement, lack of funds,  anxiety etc. These are factors that may want to come like pressure on your purpose to break it. Don't allow them! Carry your purpose with care. *Carry your purpose away from people and things that may want to put pressure on and break it.*





4:  *Your health*

You have only this body as a vehicle that will carry you through your journey of destiny in this life. Handle your health with care. *No matter how big your vision is, once you are dead, nobody can really run the vision like you could have done!* Fight for the good of your health. Avoid things that can destroy your health. Wealth is useless when your health becomes useless. Don't kill yourself before your time. Do your best to stay alive. Your presence is still very much needed, so have health hazards. Watch what you eat and drink. Don't eat anything because it is edible and don't drink anything because it is drinkable. Always pray for divine immunization against sicknesses and diseases.

5: Your Marriage

Some people handle their marriages like a cartoon of indomie.  Your marriage is fragile; handle it like a crate of eggs. It must not break! A broken marriage is not easily fixed because, when it breaks, many things get broken with it. *Remember, it takes two to tango.* Husband and wife must always carry their marriage like a crate of eggs. It must not break!

6: *Your words*: 
*Your worth is attached to your words. Be careful with your words.* Once broken, you can't gather them up again. The word is an egg. Many people are careless with their words. They speak violently and carelessly. They make empty promises and break them. Some say things they and later wish they  would never have said. Guard your words. Be careful with your diction.

7: *Your eternity*: 
Those who are running up and down to fulfill destiny here on Earth without thinking of their eternity, do not have understanding that they don't live on earth forever! The matter of eternity is not something you should handle with levity. *Think about where you will spend your eternity, You will die one day.* I will also die one day. All that we are and have in this world is vanity upon vanity.Take the matter of your end very seriously. *Stop living carelessly as if you had extra life.* Don't live for the pleasure of this world. Have the hereafter in mind in all that you do.    *Grace is available now, appropriate this divine provision now!**Remain blessed!* 🙏🏿*Copied and edited*




There are two kinds of favours from God that people take for granted: They are Good Health and Peace of Mind. May God make both permanent in your life. May HIS Mercy continue to reach you, HIS Grace forever be with you,  HIS Favour continue to be with you and His Help never be far from you. May God forgive your sins and guide you to the right path in Jesus Mighty Name. Good morning and have a wonderful day.StaySafe.




*Ephesians  1:2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:*
I pray for you this morning, you will never be devoured of all your spiritual blessings, those blessings within and those blessings that are manifested physically shall continually be heritage that makes you glorify God, in the covenant name of JESUS. The end result of each of your spiritual exploits shall never end rotten in the mighty name of JESUS.
Forthwith, Hamman of your life will end up permanently humiliated before their sudden death, in the matchless name of JESUS. Grace and mercy will surely sail you through every complex and seemingly undefined situation of your life in the covenant name of JESUS.
Testimonies abound!
Happy day.
Good morning sir and ma.



*"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." (Psalm 23: 4).*

*In our Scripture, the Psalmist speaks of how he goes through the valley of the shadow of death and yet fears no evil because the Lord is with him. He didn't fear because of the presence of the Lord with him. It was not about what the Lord had done; it was about the personality of the Lord. It was not about what he had seen the Lord do; it was about the person of the Lord. His confidence was in the personality of the Lord.*

*Friend, no matter the valleys you go through, be confident in the person of the Lord. Be confident in the God you serve, no matter the fearful situations that come your way. Be confident in the God you serve, and remain steadfast no matter the battles you face. Let your confidence be in the knowledge of your God. Let what you know about God cause you to remain unshaken no matter what shows up to shake you to your foundations.*

*Situations will arise to plant fear in you; situations will arise to test your faith; battles will arise to make you question the faithfulness of God; issues will arise to make you wonder if God is still on your side; issues will arise to make you think the enemy has had an upper hand around you; issues will arise to make you think that God has forgotten you; issues will arise to question your faith; but always remember, your God is worthy to be trusted.*

*The psalmist did not fear, not because there were no fearful situations, but because he understood that the Lord was with him. He refused to fear, because he trusted the Shepherd more than he feared the predators and marauders. No matter how fierce and terrifying your marauders and predators are, let your trust in your Shepherd be higher. Let your confidence in God exceed the fear of those who have gathered against you.*

*When the chips are down, no matter how they claim to be in charge of your valleys, the marauders and predators can never overpower the Shepherd.*

*Psalm 27: 1 says: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"*

*Declare With Me: I trust in the Shepherd; I fear no evil in Jesus' name!*🙏

*Have A Fruitful Monday And An Immensely Productive Week.*🙏



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