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Daily prayers

Started by Bravebold,

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Daily prayers



Let us pray:

*I pray and declare that henceforth:*

*The Almighty God will grant me the power, grace and strength to fulfil God's plan for my life.*
*Every spirit of retrogression in my life be replaced with the spirit of advancement.*
*The God Almighty will provide a way out of every trial and tribulation I may encounter.*
*I pray that God meets me at the point of my needs and attend to all my supplications.*
*Everything around me and all that I come across will always be in my favour.*
*I shall be blessed, I shall be celeberated and I shall attest to the goodness of God in my life.*
*Everything concerning me and all mine shall be divinely perfected in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.* 
*I pray that the Lord will bless and direct me in all my endeavors.*
*The Lord will have mercy and compassion on me and my family.*
*May the blessings of the Lord be upon me and my family now and for always in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.* *Amen.*

*Good morning.*





I pray that every problems and unpleasant circumstances on your pathway to greatness shall give way in Jesus Name Amen.
I pray that every small efforts of yours will always yield multiple results of blessings in Jesus Name Amen.
Good Morning beloved hope your night was peaceful.
The devil is out there to distract the people who are  trusting God to work it out.
The devil is trying to take your eyes off the promise of God.
This is the time that you need to keep on praying and don't slack or back slide.
When you put God first, He will set your perspective straight.
God wants to give you victory in a difficult situation but because you have the proclivity to take the praises to yourselves; He therefore takes His promises of victory and what He gives to you is difficulty.
Then it graduates from difficulty to impossibility.
The next step to overcome impossibility can only be a Miracle.
He is not going to take it from Miracle to difficulty but will take it from impossibility to a Miracle.
And when He bring it to pass, there will certainly be no debate about who did the work.
Remain Blessed.




*Ephesians  1:2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:*
I pray for you this morning, you will never be devoured of all your spiritual blessings, those blessings within and those blessings that are manifested physically shall continually be heritage that makes you glorify God, in the covenant name of JESUS. The end result of each of your spiritual exploits shall never end rotten in the mighty name of JESUS.
Forthwith, Hamman of your life will end up permanently humiliated before their sudden death, in the matchless name of JESUS. Grace and mercy will surely sail you through every complex and seemingly undefined situation of your life in the covenant name of JESUS.
Testimonies abound!
Happy day.
Good morning sir and ma.
















*Let us pray:*

*I pray and declare that henceforth:*

*The Almighty God will grant me the power, grace and strength to fulfil God's plan for my life.*
*Every spirit of retrogression in my life be replaced with the spirit of advancement.*
*The God Almighty will provide a way out of every trial and tribulation I may encounter.*
*I pray that God meets me at the point of my needs and attend to all my supplications.*
*Everything around me and all that I come across will always be in my favour.*
*I shall be blessed, I shall be celeberated and I shall attest to the goodness of God in my life.*
*Everything concerning me and all mine shall be divinely perfected in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.* 
*I pray that the Lord will bless and direct me in all my endeavors.*
*The Lord will have mercy and compassion on me and my family.*
*May the blessings of the Lord be upon me and my family now and for always in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.* *Amen.*

*Good morning.*





*Dear God,*

*Thank You for this new month of August and all that You have seen us through so far this year.*
*We ask for your blessings on this month.*
*May we feel Your nearness, joy and peace in all that lies ahead.*
*We thank You in advance for meeting our needs and for Your grace and strength that will sustain us.*
*We commit this new month to You and ask that You lead us and guide us that we might glorify You.*
*Come and be our shield and protect all that You have given us.*
*Let the beauty of Heaven come upon us and our household in this new month.*
*We pray, be there for us and uphold us.*
*This month and always, let our mornings be good, our afternoons be better, our evenings be glorious and our nights be peaceful.*
*We ask all these things in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.*

*A beautiful morning to you.*
*Have a thankful Thursday.*





I pray today that every door of attack on your spiritual progress shall be closed and every mandate issued to every robber of your blessing shall be rendered null and void in Jesus Name Amen.
I pray that every satanic embargo on your goodness and prosperity shall be scattered to irreparable pieces in Jesus Name Amen.
Good morning beautiful one trust your night was peaceful.
Stop hiding from God when you go through hard times.
Stop hiding from God when you're feeling ashamed.
Immaturity is doing one thing once in a while and wondering why it does not work.
Maturity in Christ Jesus is built on repetition.
When there's a war going on for your attention, don't lose sight of the One who holds the victory, don't let the noise around distract you to loose you grip.
You can't afford to stop now, consistency and repetition lead to restoration.
Remain Blessed.



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