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5 Lessons I Learned From The Book 'As a Man Thinketh'


1) You Become What You Think

You are what you are right now because of the thoughts you once had or have. If you want to change yourself, you should first start with changing your thoughts. All the actions of man arise from the hidden seeds of thoughts.

Just with the right choice and application of thought, man can ascend to divine perfection; while with wrong choice and application of thought, he can rise below the level of the beast.

Good thoughts and results can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

2)Your Mind is Like a Garden

The author creates an analogy of our mind with the garden. We either choose to cultivate our mind wisely or let it run wild. If we don't plant the seeds of beautiful flowers in our garden, the garden will itself produce some useless weeds.

Just as the gardener weeds out all unnecessary plants it is the responsibility of every individual to plant the right seeds, nurture them, and at the same time put out all the weeds. When we do this, our life becomes beautiful. But if we do the exact opposite and feed the weeds, our life becomes a mess.

3) Thoughts Not Just Affect Mentally, But Also Physically
How and what we think has a significant impact not just on the mental level but also physical level. The body is the servant of mind and it obeys the order of mind be it deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.

The author argues that the people who live in constant fear of disease are the ones who actually get it. Therefore being healthy is not just about the body, it's also more about the mind.

Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts.

Thoughts also affect how we age. If we just pause for a second and observe the people around us, we can see people in their nineties with bright smiling faces. But we also can see the people who are just in their mid-thirties whose face is drawn into unharmonious contours.

4)You Are Not Shaped by Your Circumstances

If you believe you can't get something just because you came from a different background or because your environment doesn't support you, you are wrong my friend. You are not shaped by the circumstances rather the outer world of circumstances shapes itself into the inner world of your thoughts.

No matter what the circumstances are, you always have the freedom to choose how to respond. And the best response is always to choose to focus on the areas you have control of. When you focus on what you have control over and improve that way, you win in life.

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.

5)Actions And Thoughts Must Go Together

The knowledge preached by some of the self-help gurus about thoughts is that you will achieve whatever you think if you just believe it. This is also represented as a law of attraction and the idea is sold to many people.

James Allen, who is also considered as the pioneer of the self-help movement was clear that just having thoughts are not enough. Thoughts are just the starting point. And if we don't harmonize our thoughts with the right actions, we will never accomplish what we are set to.

Just wishing for things and waiting for them to come to you will not help you in any way. You must go out, take action and earn it, whatever it is you want.

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5 Lessons I Learned From The Book 'As a Man Thinketh'


1) You Become What You Think

You are what you are right now because of the thoughts you once had or have. If you want to change yourself, you should first start with changing your thoughts. All the actions of man arise from the hidden seeds of thoughts.

Just with the right choice and application of thought, man can ascend to divine perfection; while with wrong choice and application of thought, he can rise below the level of the beast.

Good thoughts and results can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

2)Your Mind is Like a Garden

The author creates an analogy of our mind with the garden. We either choose to cultivate our mind wisely or let it run wild. If we don't plant the seeds of beautiful flowers in our garden, the garden will itself produce some useless weeds.

Just as the gardener weeds out all unnecessary plants it is the responsibility of every individual to plant the right seeds, nurture them, and at the same time put out all the weeds. When we do this, our life becomes beautiful. But if we do the exact opposite and feed the weeds, our life becomes a mess.

3) Thoughts Not Just Affect Mentally, But Also Physically
How and what we think has a significant impact not just on the mental level but also physical level. The body is the servant of mind and it obeys the order of mind be it deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.

The author argues that the people who live in constant fear of disease are the ones who actually get it. Therefore being healthy is not just about the body, it's also more about the mind.

Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts.

Thoughts also affect how we age. If we just pause for a second and observe the people around us, we can see people in their nineties with bright smiling faces. But we also can see the people who are just in their mid-thirties whose face is drawn into unharmonious contours.

4)You Are Not Shaped by Your Circumstances

If you believe you can't get something just because you came from a different background or because your environment doesn't support you, you are wrong my friend. You are not shaped by the circumstances rather the outer world of circumstances shapes itself into the inner world of your thoughts.

No matter what the circumstances are, you always have the freedom to choose how to respond. And the best response is always to choose to focus on the areas you have control of. When you focus on what you have control over and improve that way, you win in life.

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.

5)Actions And Thoughts Must Go Together

The knowledge preached by some of the self-help gurus about thoughts is that you will achieve whatever you think if you just believe it. This is also represented as a law of attraction and the idea is sold to many people.

James Allen, who is also considered as the pioneer of the self-help movement was clear that just having thoughts are not enough. Thoughts are just the starting point. And if we don't harmonize our thoughts with the right actions, we will never accomplish what we are set to.

Just wishing for things and waiting for them to come to you will not help you in any way. You must go out, take action and earn it, whatever it is you want.




8 Lessons From the Book "The 48 Laws of Power"


Alive time where we are learning and active and leveraging.
👉 There's no third option. You have to choose!

2⃣ Be Amoral in Your Assessments, Be Ethical In Your Actions
🤓 Books explain what various species do.
👉 But as humans we're free to make our own choices in our own lives, and we should choose well (as he has done).

3⃣ Objectivity Is Everything
😉 It's not about seeing the world negatively, it's about removing that impartiality we project on it.

4⃣ Be Better Than People Expect
❗️When you create public work, people naturally make assumptions about you.
👉 You should be nicer, funnier, smarter, more open-minded, cooler, more informed.

5⃣ Make Your Way to the Inside
🤠 When we approach a field we haven't yet studied, we are on the outside of.
💭 But as we put in the work, as we familiarize ourselves with every component, as we develop our intuitive field, we eventually make our way to this inside.

6⃣ Make Time for Strenuous Exercise
🤓 Because it requires total isolation: no music, no phone, no possible interruptions. Just quiet, strenuous exercise.
👉 I've had some of my most productive brainstorming sessions in the pool.

7⃣ Learn The Art of Patience
💭 It's easier to be patient when nothing is happening though.
😉 Let the time does its best. Let it grow.

8⃣ OK Is Not Good Enough
💭 It's that sense of perfectionism that is the difference between a mediocre book and a timeless one.
👉 Ask yourself: Did I throw away some pretty good stuff? If I didn't, it means I've settled.




9 Powerful Lessons From the Book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"


1  Focus on today
❗Thinking about what needs to be done in the future can lead to overwhelm and inaction.
But if you focus on what you need to accomplish today, it's much more doable.
👉 It will help you create the future you want, one day at a time.

2  If you're worrying about failing, follow these three steps:
1. Analyze a situation causing you worry to determine the worst possible scenario.
2. Accept the worst possible case scenario, if it is to happen.
3. Focus on trying to improve the situation.

3 Understand the situation
👉 Whenever you're worrying about something, you need to do three things:
1.Get the facts.
2.Analyze the facts.
3.Arrive at a decision – and act on that decision.

4. Breaking the worry habit
🤠 To conquer worry, you need to understand that worry is a habit. That means it's a habit you can break.
One technique for breaking the worry habit is to keep yourself busy.
👉 When you're really busy or taken up by action, it's hard to worry.

5. Avoid trying to get even
💡If selfish people try to take advantage of you, cross them off your list, but don't try to get even.
❌ No one can disturb your mind if you do not let them. Don't waste time thinking about people you don't like.

6. Don't worry about ingratitude
🟢 It's human nature for people to forget to be grateful.
If you want to be giving to people or the world, then do it.
❌ Don't worry about that being recognized. If it is, great. But don't feel bad if you don't receive it.

7.  90% right, 10% wrong
👉 Most of the time, about 90% of our lives are going well, while 10% are not going as we'd like.
The best way to start enjoying your life is to focus on what's going well.
😊 You can always try to improve what's not going well.

8.  Consider religion and prayer
🙏 Religion and prayer is a good way to stop fretting about all of your troubles.
👉 Even if you're not religious, talk to yourself about your worries, about your joys, about your hopes and dreams. Ask the universe for help.

9. Keep a "fool things I have done" list
📃 One way to begin learning from and accepting your mistakes is to keep a "fool things I have done" list.
✅ You can add to the list over time and look back over the years to see how you're improving.




10 Lessons From the Book "Psychology of Money"


1 Money Decisions
🤓 Every decision is justified by taking the information we have at the moment and plugging it into our unique mental model of how the world works.
💗 "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance observes" — Sherlock Holmes.

2 Be careful who you praise and admire;
👉 Be careful who you look down upon and wish to avoid becoming.
🙂 We only see the headlines and believe we can do the same.

3 Having Enough
🔴 One of the most challenging financial skills in the world is to get the goal post to stop moving, it is evident in our consumer-driven lifestyles.
👉 Capitalistic system makes it easy to feel good with the latest gadget or item, and you have to keep getting them.

4. Compound interest
🤠 The book mentions Warren Buffett's investment success often as he has been investing for decades.
👉 You must let your money compound naturally and stay out of its way.

5.Planning is essential but
👉 the most important part of every plan — is to plan on a plan, not going according to plan.
😉 Plans and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

6 You can be wrong half the time and still make a fortune
🤠 "Here's the thing about don't know if it's good or bad until you have some perspective." — Alice Hoffman

7 Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays
🔴 The intrinsic value of money is its ability to give you control over your time.
👉 Unspent assets give you greater control over what you can do and when you can do it.

8 Humility
👉 One of the most potent ways to increase your savings isn't to raise your income but raise your humility.
✅ In the future, taking the ego out of my decisions will be wiser, mainly if it results in completing a long-term goal.

9 True wealth is what you don't see.
👉 Modern capitalism makes helping people fake until they make it a cherished industry
🤓 Be more concerned with what they did to earn the wealth and see how I can apply those principles.

🔟 Avoid the single points of failure.
👉 A good rule of thumb in life is "everything that can break will eventually break."
🤠 So an important lesson as we advance is to diversify your income streams and your skillset ASAP.




10 Powerful Lessons From the Book "Think Again"


1. Think like a scientist.
🤓 A scientist is always in a rethinking loop which enables discovery of new knowledge.
🙏 It takes great humility and insatiable curiosity to live a rethinking life. If knowledge is power, knowing what we don't know is wisdom.

2. Develop Confident Humility
😊 Humility isn't about lack of self-confidence. It's about being grounded. Knowing that we are both flawed and fallible.
❌ Never losing sight of this reality. Confidence is about self belief.

3. Detaching Opinion from Identity
🤠 We should avoid becoming too attached to our ideas and our beliefs. We shouldn't let it become part of our identity.
😊 Stay a little detached. That way, when we find out that they are wrong, it's easy for us to rethink and let go of old ideas.

4. Argue about HOW, not WHY
👉 Once you start discussing HOW people start noticing the gaps in their knowledge and the flaw in their conclusions and become less argumentative.
👉 They become more amenable to explore other choices and the disagreement turns into constructive speech.

5. How to win debates and negotiate well
🤠 Focus on fewer but stronger points. Too many arguments, including some not so strong ones, dilute the merit of your strongest points .
👉 The opponent can easily refute your weakest point and make your overall argument look bad.

6. Changing mindsets
🤓 We can't motivate people to change, but we can help them.
👉 Motivational Interviewing helps in doing that. It involves the 3 key techniques.
· Asking open ended questions
· Engage in reflective listening
· Affirming the person's ability and desire to change

7. Dealing with Polarised Mindsets
🤓 We live in a divided world. Across a range of complicated issues. Presenting the opinion of the other side makes matters worse.
👉 You dig your heels in and become more entrenched in your beliefs. There is no scope of rethinking.

8. Rethinking for Kids
🤠 The practise of doing multiple drafts instead of just one. Especially in creative projects.
👉 The general view is that making students re-do something is discouraging. It implies a poor effort. But that's just poor communication.

9. Learning Organizations
😊 Strong process accountability (alongwith outcome accountability) leads to consistent long term success.
👉 Just focussing on outcome accountability is like a hit or miss. You will have little control on delivering the desired outcome.

10. Career Planning
🚫 We need to stop asking kids what they want to do when they grow up.
👉 By asking this and forcing kids to choose something, we can cause what is called Identity Foreclosure.
🤠 The kids settle on something prematurely without exploring enough choices .




9 Lessons From the Book "Write It Down, Make It Happen"


1️⃣  If you're specific when you write down your goals, You'll activate a part of your brain that helps you focus on them.
👉🏻 Visualization is a way to guide your brain to your dreamed-of destination.
2️⃣  Your brain isn't really good at distinguishing imagination from reality.
👉🏻 That's why you always wake up before you fall down in your dreams.
🤓 If you trick him into thinking that a dream of yours is reality, it will work towards achieving it.

✍ By writing down specific goals for your brain and letting it process them slowly and carefully. Not to mention: repeatedly.

4️⃣ Use Your Reticular Activating System to Your Benefit
🧠 Your brain has a feature which scientists call "reticular activating system" or RAS, for short.
🟢 It's a sort of a brain filter which helps your mind focus on important things and ignore irrelevant data.

5️⃣ If you write down your goals and intents – both in the short and long runs – you can train your brain to filter things which may not lead to the fulfillment of these hopes and dreams.
✅ So, your unconsciousness will work for you even when you're not aware.

6️⃣ To motivate yourself for your biggest goals, achieve small ones first and add charitable outcomes.

7⃣ Writing down your dreams and aspirations is like hanging up a sign that says, 'Open for Business.

8⃣ Writing down your fears takes away their hold on you;writing out the reverse of your fears... empowers and energizes you to start thinking differently.

9⃣ You need not write volumes to express a goal;a short and simple list of items, as specific as possible, will clarify your intentions as surely as an.




10 inspirational novels to lift your spirits


Have you ever finished an inspirational book feeling truly uplifted? The 10 novels here lift our spirits in that special way, rekindling hope and belief in the human spirit. You'll discover inspiring stories to brighten any day and remind you of life's gifts.

1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
An inspirational fable that chronicles a young Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who embarks on a journey to discover his destiny. As he travels from his home in Spain to the Egyptian pyramids, he learns profound life lessons that inspire him to overcome fear, trust his heart, and persist through adversity in pursuit of his dreams. This uplifting tale explores universal themes of destiny, self-discovery, and realizing one's full potential.
2. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
When renowned sociology professor Morrie Schwartz is diagnosed with ALS, he reaches out to his former student Mitch Albom so that he can share his invaluable life lessons one last time. During emotional weekly visits, Morrie conveys insights on embracing relationships, practicing compassion, maintaining a positive mindset, and approaching death with dignity and meaning. This poignant memoir will inspire readers to appreciate life's simplicity, follow their passions, and cherish every moment.
3. The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu
In this uplifting dialogue, two Nobel Peace Prize winners reflect on how to find joy and meaning during life's inevitable hardships. Through profound discussions and shared meditations, the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu reveal how practices like gratitude, empathy, and altruism can lead to enduring happiness and inner peace. Their wisdom provides a compass for overcoming obstacles, serving others, and discovering tranquility during painful times.

4. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl chronicles his harrowing experiences surviving multiple Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. He describes his theory of finding meaning and purpose amid even the most horrific suffering. Frankl explains how clinging to hope, accepting what we cannot change, and discovering our unique purpose helps us to endure and transcend trauma. His message serves as an inspiration for persevering through life's darkest moments.

The Shack follows Mack Phillips, whose life is turned upside down after his young daughter is abducted and murdered. Years later, in the throes of what he calls the Great Sadness, Mack receives a mysterious note inviting him to an abandoned shack. There he has transformational encounters with physical manifestations of the Holy Trinity who help him process paralyzing grief and restore his faith in God's love.

6. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
This Canadian classic follows the adventures of Anne Shirley, a lively and imaginative orphan girl sent to live on Prince Edward Island. Her new life with the Cuthberts teaches Anne the meaning of family, friendship, and embracing one's true self. Anne's indomitable spirit, love of nature's beauty, and belief in spreading kindness transform not only her own life, but her community.
7. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Haunted by childhood memories of witnessing a devastating act against his best friend Hassan, Amir returns to Afghanistan decades later for a chance at redemption. His thrilling yet heart-wrenching journey illuminates the power of friendship, love, and righting past wrongs. In the end, Amir learns that true courage comes not from hiding, but standing up for those you care about.

8. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
This beloved fable follows the lifelong relationship between a generous tree and a young boy she loves. As the boy grows older, the tree gives him her shade, apples, branches, and trunk, happily sacrificing parts of herself so he can be happy. Their poignant story offers lessons about selfless giving, unconditional love, and appreciating simple joys like climbing trees and swinging from branches.

Set in 1930s Alabama, this Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is told through the eyes of young Scout Finch. She learns about prejudice, innocence, courage, and morality as her lawyer father Atticus defends a black man unjustly accused of raping a white woman. Though Atticus loses the case, he sets an example of justice and integrity for Scout that profoundly shapes her character and perspective.

10. Life of Pi by Yann Martel
After a cargo ship sinks in the Pacific Ocean, 16-year-old Pi Patel is stranded for months on a lifeboat with only a spotted hyena, an injured zebra, an orangutan, and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. This fantastical adventure about surviving against extraordinary odds shows how imagination and faith can transform hardship into an opportunity for wonder and spiritual growth.

If you seek inspiration, let these uplifting novels renew your spirit. Keep them close and reread when you need comfort or motivation most. Novels that touch the heart have power - they can lift us up, inspire us, and illuminate life's gifts when we need it most.




How reading books can help you live a longer, healthier life


There's no denying that books have the power to transport us to different worlds with just a few words. But what if we told you that reading books can also help you live longer? According to a study by researchers at Yale University, people who read books live longer lives than those who don't.

The study, published in the journal Social Science and Medicine, involved asking 3,635 participants over the age of 50 about their reading habits. The researchers then divided the group into three categories: non-readers, those who read less than 3.5 hours per week, and those who read more than 3.5 hours per week. For the next 12 years, the researchers followed up with each group.
The results were astounding. The study found that both groups of readers outlived the non-readers. However, those who read for more than 3.5 hours per week lived a full 23 months longer than those who didn't read at all. This extended lifespan applied to all readers, regardless of gender, wealth, education, or health factors, making it a significant finding.

But what's even more interesting is that book readers specifically had a 4-month survival advantage compared to non-book readers, and a 20% reduction in risk of mortality over the 12 years of follow-up. This suggests that book reading specifically, rather than reading in general, is what's driving this survival advantage.

According to the study's authors, any level of book reading gave a significantly stronger survival advantage than reading periodicals. This is because book reading involves more cognitive faculties, specifically deep reading and emotional connection. While deep reading involves engaging with a book and understanding it within its context, emotional connection involves empathizing with the characters, promoting social perception and emotional intelligence. These cognitive processes are believed to have a significant impact on our overall health.
But what causes this impact? The Yale team notes that better health behaviors and reduced stress may also play a role. However, it is clear that reading books provides a survival advantage due to the immersive nature that helps maintain cognitive status.

In short, this study serves as a reminder of the importance of reading books for both entertainment and health. With life expectancy constantly increasing, it's important to consider ways to improve our overall quality of life. So regardless of your background or lifestyle, consider spending some time each day with a good book. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your life!




10 philosophical books to challenge your beliefs


Philosophy has always been about challenging assumptions and questioning beliefs. It encourages us to explore new ideas and think critically about the world we live in. Reading philosophical works can offer us a unique perspective on life and force us to reconsider our beliefs and values. In this article, we will explore 10 philosophical books that will challenge your beliefs and expand your worldview.

1. "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius is a collection of personal writings by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, where he reflects on his own experiences and ideas that helped him cope with the stresses of ruling an empire. Written in the form of daily meditations, this book covers a wide range of philosophical themes, including Stoicism, self-control, fate, and morality. Through his reflections, Aurelius encourages the reader to focus on the present moment, to accept the inevitable impermanence of life, and to embrace virtue as the key to a meaningful existence. This book offers a unique glimpse into the mind of one of history's greatest leaders and thinkers, making it a must-read for anyone interested in philosophy, mindfulness, or personal growth.

2. "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical novel by Friedrich Nietzsche, which tells the story of the prophet Zarathustra as he travels through a fictional world, delivering his own wisdom and teaching. Through his teachings, Zarathustra challenges the traditional values of society, such as Christianity and democracy, and proposes a new way of life based on the will to power and the pursuit of excellence. This book is famous for its controversial and provocative ideas, such as the death of God and the idea of the "superman." It is a powerful and challenging exploration of existence, morality, and human potential.

3. "The Republic" by Plato is one of the most influential works of Western philosophy and a cornerstone of political theory. In this book, Plato sets out to create an ideal society based on the principles of justice, wisdom, and virtue. Through a series of dialogues, he explores various ethical and political problems, such as the nature of justice, the problem of evil, and the tension between freedom and authority. This book has been debated and discussed for centuries, and it continues to be a cornerstone of political philosophy, as well as an essential read for anyone interested in the history of philosophy.

4. "Beyond Good and Evil" by Friedrich Nietzsche is a collection of aphorisms and philosophical musings by Friedrich Nietzsche, which explore the nature of morality, truth, and philosophy itself. In this book, Nietzsche proposes a radical reevaluation of traditional moral values, arguing that they are not fixed or objective, but rather dependent on individual perspectives and social conventions. He also critiques the notion of objective truth, arguing that all knowledge is inherently subjective and contingent on cultural and historical contexts. This book is a challenging and thought-provoking read for anyone interested in ethics, metaphysics, or the philosophy of language.

5. "The Nicomachean Ethics" by Aristotle is one of Aristotle's most important works, and one of the foundational texts of Western philosophy. In this book, Aristotle sets out to explore the nature of happiness, virtue, and human flourishing. Through a series of inquiries, he argues that one's character determines one's actions and ultimately one's life, and that cultivating virtues such as courage, honesty, and generosity is essential for realizing human potential. This book is a profound and practical guide to living a good life, and a timeless classic of ethical philosophy.

6. "The Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu is a classic of Chinese philosophy and a fundamental text of Taoism. It consists of 81 short chapters, each of which presents a philosophical idea or insight. Through these chapters, Lao Tzu explores the nature of the Tao, or the fundamental principle of the universe, and offers practical advice for living in harmony with it. This book emphasizes the importance of humility, simplicity, and compassion, and encourages the reader to seek wisdom in stillness and silence. It is a beautiful and inspiring work of philosophy, and an essential read for anyone interested in Chinese culture, spirituality, or philosophy.

7. "The Critique of Pure Reason" by Immanuel Kant is one of the most influential works of modern philosophy, and a seminal text in the history of epistemology. In this book, Immanuel Kant sets out to explore the nature of knowledge, and to determine the scope and limits of human reason. Through a series of complex arguments, Kant critiques traditional metaphysics and defends a transcendental idealism, which posits that our knowledge is ultimately grounded in our own mental activity. This book is a challenging and rewarding read, and a central text in the Western philosophical canon.

8. "The Analects" by Confucius is a collection of sayings and teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, compiled by his disciples after his death. In this book, Confucius offers practical advice for living a moral and virtuous life, emphasizing the importance of social harmony, filial piety, and respect for tradition. Through his aphorisms and dialogues, Confucius provides a timeless guide for ethical behavior, and offers a powerful vision of a just and harmonious society. This book is an essential read for anyone interested in Chinese philosophy, ethics, or culture.

9. Being and Time by Martin Heidegger is a complex and influential work of philosophy that explores the concept of being and how human beings understand and experience their existence. The book critiques traditional philosophical approaches that reduce being to abstract concepts and instead emphasizes the importance of exploring the actual lived experience of being in the world. Heidegger also delves into the meaning of time and how our understanding of it relates to our understanding of being. Through his intricate analysis of language and its relationship to being, Heidegger offers readers an illuminating and thought-provoking exploration of fundamental questions of human existence.

10. "The Enchiridion" by Epictetus is a short but powerful work of Stoic philosophy, written by the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus. In this book, Epictetus offers practical advice for living a virtuous and fulfilling life, emphasizing the importance of self-control, wisdom, and inner peace. Through a series of aphorisms and reflections, he provides a timeless guide for ethical behavior, and offers a powerful vision of the Stoic way of life. This book is an essential read for anyone interested in ancient philosophy or Stoicism.

Reading philosophical works is a valuable exercise for anyone looking to challenge their beliefs and expand their worldview. These 10 books offer a wide range of perspectives on life, ethics, and society, and are sure to provoke deep thought and introspection. Each of these works has something unique to offer to readers. So, go pick up one of these books and dive into the fascinating world of philosophy. You never know what new ideas and insights you might discover.


10 key lessons to take away from the book "The Magic of Thinking Big"


The book "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David. J. Schwartz is a self-help book that teaches readers how to overcome their limiting beliefs, unleash their potential, and achieve greater success in life. The book is centered around ten key lessons that emphasize the power of positive thinking, goal-setting, action, and perseverance. In this article, we will discuss each of these ten main lessons in detail and their potential benefits for individuals seeking to improve their lives and reach their full potential.

1. Believe in yourself
Self-belief is the foundation of success since without it, you could not achieve greatness. The book emphasizes that having faith in yourself and your abilities is essential to overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals. People who lack self-belief tend to be overly critical of themselves and give up easily when faced with a challenge or setback. On the other hand, people with self-belief tend to be more positive in outlook, recognize their strengths, and view challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and improvement.

2. Set goals that excite you
Setting goals is one thing, but setting goals that are thrilling and inspiring to achieve will provide you with the motivation to take action and persevere through any obstacles that may arise. The book emphasizes that setting mundane goals will not lead to success or genuine happiness. Goals that excite you play a vital role in achieving your objectives since they ignite a passion within you that gives you the motivation to go the extra mile.

3. Action is key
We need to take action to transform them into reality. Many of us remain stuck with our great visions because we do not take the necessary steps to move forward. The book emphasizes the importance of action in achieving success and shows how taking small yet consistent steps towards your goals can have a massive impact over time.

4. Learn from failures
Everyone will face failures and obstacles on their path to success. It is essential to remain positive, learn from the experience, and press on towards your goals. The book encourages readers to use every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, thus developing resilience and personal growth.

5. Think positive
The book emphasizes that the thoughts we have will shape our reality. Negative thinking attracts negative circumstances while positive thoughts attract positive experiences. The same goes for seeing and focusing on only the good side of an event rather than the bad side, helps remain positive.

6. Take responsibility
We cannot blame others for our circumstances. Accepting responsibility for your life is essential for personal growth and development. This lesson emphasizes that taking ownership of one's life gives them control and empowers them to make necessary changes.

7. Learn to communicate
Communication is a crucial element in any relationship and any exchange. Learning how to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively is one of the most important skills to acquire when seeking success, especially since it helps in building positive relationships with others.

8. Build positive relationships
A supportive community can play a crucial role in the success of an individual. When you are surrounded by people who believe in your dreams, goals, and aspirations, achieving them becomes more feasible. Being among individuals who share your interests and mindset increases the likelihood of accomplishing your objectives.

9. Stay focused
Distractions are everywhere, but they waste a lot of time and effort that could have been used otherwise. The book emphasizes the importance of remaining focused on goals and resisting the allure of distractions that can sidetrack us from achieving our objectives.

10. Perseverance pays off
Achieving big goals takes a lot of effort, time, energy, and endurance. Setbacks and challenges are expected, but if one can keep pushing and walking towards their goal, they will be rewarded with success, success that will eventually pay off for all their hard work and never say die attitude.

In conclusion, "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David. J. Schwartz is an excellent self-help book that teaches readers how to think positively and believe in themselves. The book emphasizes the importance of setting goals, taking action, learning from failure, taking responsibility, building positive relationships, remaining focused, and persevering through difficulties. By implementing the lessons taught in this book, we can achieve great success and become the best version of ourselves.




10 key lessons to take away from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad"


1. Financial literacy is crucial to achieving wealth
Understanding concepts such as cash flow, assets, liabilities, and taxes can help guide your financial decisions.

2. Assets generate income while liabilities require expenses
It's important to distinguish between the two to make informed decisions about finances. For example, homeownership may be viewed as an asset but can also function as a liability depending on factors such as mortgage payments and maintenance fees.

3. Passive income is essential for financial success
Generating income from assets like rental properties or stocks is preferable to relying only on active work, with cash flow being the key to accumulating wealth.
4. Entrepreneurship is a viable method of making money
Pursuing entrepreneurship allows you to utilize your interests and skills to create a source of income.

5. Investing in assets that generate cash flow allows you to earn money without trading hours for dollars
This strategy invests time and effort upfront to obtain a passive income stream to ensure your money works for you.

Diversifying your investments and having multiple sources of income are smart ways to safeguard against loss when it comes to entrepreneurship and investing.

7. Having a positive mindset is essential for success
With an abundance mentality, people believe there's enough wealth sustainability to go around; conversely, scarcity mentality believes wealth is limited.
8. Education is ongoing
Learning does not stop after graduation, and continual education is vital to growing financially and in life.

9. Overcoming challenges is critical
Rather than focusing on setbacks, it's essential to look for opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles.

10. Success is more than financial gain
Success also includes fulfilling dreams, contributing to society, and living with purpose.




14 books to help you reclaim your purpose in life


1. "Dare to Lead" encourages readers to have courageous conversations, lead with their hearts and be brave at work.
2. "The Alchemist" follows a young shepherd boy on a journey of self-discovery to get his Personal Legend.
3. "Big Magic" shows readers how to live courageously and "unlock the fear of being wrong" in your creative pursuits.
4. "StrengthsFinder 2.0" promotes self-discovery by helping readers recognize their hidden potential and unlock natural talents.
5. "The Power of Now" offers spiritual guidance on how to be mindful and present in the moment for an enlightened life experience.
6. Man's Search for Meaning. reveals Viktor Frankl's inspiring story about finding purpose through even the most difficult experiences in life.
7. "Finding Your Element" allows readers to access their creativity, passion, and curiosity for self-fulfillment and inspiring life changes.
8. "Make Your Bed" instructs readers on how doing small things can make a big difference in achieving any larger goal they may have in life or beyond it 
9. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" teaches people conscious strategies on improving effectiveness towards personal goals.
10. "Grit" explores the importance of perseverance when striving towards long-term goals.
11. "Flow" investigates optimal performance achieved when one is fully engaged in "flow" state between challenge and skill levels.
12. "Radical Acceptance" promotes accepting reality as it is instead of resisting it for overall wellbeing.
13. "When Breath Becomes Air" follows a neurosurgeon's journey as he discovers he has terminal cancer and reflects on the meaning of life.
14. "Start With Why" examines the importance of having a purpose behind what you do and how understanding this concept can help us both professionally and personally.




7 key lessons to take away from the book "Man's Search for Meaning"


1. Find meaning in suffering
Viktor Frankl argues that the key to finding joy and contentment in the midst of adversity is to discover a way to find meaning in suffering. Rather than focusing on material success or pleasure, he suggests turning inward and discovering a deeper purpose that can motivate you through difficult times.

2. Take responsibility for your life
The essence of Frankl's story is taking responsibility for your own life and not waiting passively for something good to happen. You must make meaningful choices every day, no matter how bad the external conditions are, and stay true to these decisions in order to experience real satisfaction and joy.

3. Have courage
Having faith is essential when facing a crisis or tough situation; this calls for courage, which Frankl considers "the ultimate source of hope." Living with courage means standing up for what you believe in, even when everything is going against you and looking danger in the eyes without flinching.

4. Seek fulfillment
Frankl talks about how suffering should have a purpose – it should lead to fulfillment rather than be an end unto itself. To achieve this, you need to connect with your inner self, develop meaningful relationships with others, take risks if necessary, confront obstacles rather than running away from them, and ultimately never forget what gives your life purpose and value beyond material possessions.

5. Don't give up hope
Hope can keep us going during hard times despite our most desperate circumstances; it allows us look at the brighter side of life through glasses of optimism instead of despairing into darkness. For Frankl hope was a strength that allows him push his limits far beyond just mere survival in Auschwitz concentration camp – but towards being fully human again even there in such harsh conditions!

6. Reframe your problem
As we get bombarded by different problems all day long, it might seem like there's little opportunity for positivity or happiness when facing them head-on. However, by reframing our problems as opportunities for growth and learning new lessons from it – instead of obstacles we can't overcome – Frankl encourages us not only to withstand but also thrive from our tough times with fresh perspective bought on by optimistic attitude! 

7. Live with purpose
According to Frankl living without any meaningful purpose made life hollow and dull therefore he emphasizes on fulfilling one's inherent potential along with some goal/purpose that defines every person unique → makes him stand out as an individual entity comprised of his complete capacity (strengths & limitations). That purpose can be contributing back to society or becoming best version oneself, no matter whatever it is individual must strive towards achieving it whole heartedly!


6 Lessons from the book "How to win Friends and influence People"

1️⃣ Don't argue!
❌ You can't win the other person through arguments, so the best thing is to avoid it.

2️⃣ Show respect for another's opinion.
📍 Never say to their face, "You're wrong". Even if you don't agree with them.

3️⃣ If you are wrong, admit it!
❗️ When you know that you have done something wrong, admitting it will save you time and help avoid unnecessary quarrels.

4️⃣ Begin in a friendly way
🤓 When advising others, first mention a few of their good qualities.

5️⃣ Let the other person feel that the idea is theirs
👉 No one likes to feel they're being sold something or told to do a thing.

6️⃣ Dramatize your ideas
🤠 The movies do it. Tv does it. Why don't you do it? Make the task seem more entertaining and interesting.


9 Insightful Lessons From the Book "Limitless"

1⃣ Limitless Mindset
👉 People should cultivate positive emotions in their own lives and in the lives of those around them, not just because doing so makes them feel good in the moment, but also because doing so transforms people for the better .

2⃣ Purpose
🤓 Passion comes when we rediscover our authentic, alive self, the one who has been muted and buried beneath a pile of other people's expectations.
😉 Purpose, however, is about how you relate to other people. Purpose is what you're here to share with the world.

3⃣ Energy
💪 Besides having a clear purpose for doing something, you need enough energy to act. Motivation is dependent on your mental and physical energy level.
👉 Nutritious diet, aerobic exercises, quality sleep all have a big impact on maximizing your energy level.

4⃣ Small Simple Steps
❗One of the most significant reasons that people fail to act is that we feel overwhelmed by what we need to do.
😌 A small simple step is the tiniest action you can take to get you closer to your goal.

5⃣ Method definition
💥 "A specific process for accomplishing something, especially an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instruction."
🤓 Methods are the procedures or processes for accomplishing something.

6⃣ Study
😎 Build following habits to learn faster and study better:
Employ active recall
Employ spaced repetition
Manage the state you're in
Music for the mind

7⃣ Memory
🤗 The chances of remembering something increase dramatically if people can attach a reference point to the thing they are trying to remember.

8⃣ Speed Reading
📖 "Studies show that there is a direct relationship between your ability to read and your success in life.
👉 Skilled readers enjoy better jobs, higher incomes, and greater opportunities for success in all realms of life."

9⃣ VAK Learning
🤓 According to VAK learning style model, people have different preferences for learning:



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