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5 Lessons I Learned From The Book 'As a Man Thinketh'


1) You Become What You Think

You are what you are right now because of the thoughts you once had or have. If you want to change yourself, you should first start with changing your thoughts. All the actions of man arise from the hidden seeds of thoughts.

Just with the right choice and application of thought, man can ascend to divine perfection; while with wrong choice and application of thought, he can rise below the level of the beast.

Good thoughts and results can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.

2)Your Mind is Like a Garden

The author creates an analogy of our mind with the garden. We either choose to cultivate our mind wisely or let it run wild. If we don't plant the seeds of beautiful flowers in our garden, the garden will itself produce some useless weeds.

Just as the gardener weeds out all unnecessary plants it is the responsibility of every individual to plant the right seeds, nurture them, and at the same time put out all the weeds. When we do this, our life becomes beautiful. But if we do the exact opposite and feed the weeds, our life becomes a mess.

3) Thoughts Not Just Affect Mentally, But Also Physically
How and what we think has a significant impact not just on the mental level but also physical level. The body is the servant of mind and it obeys the order of mind be it deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.

The author argues that the people who live in constant fear of disease are the ones who actually get it. Therefore being healthy is not just about the body, it's also more about the mind.

Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts.

Thoughts also affect how we age. If we just pause for a second and observe the people around us, we can see people in their nineties with bright smiling faces. But we also can see the people who are just in their mid-thirties whose face is drawn into unharmonious contours.

4)You Are Not Shaped by Your Circumstances

If you believe you can't get something just because you came from a different background or because your environment doesn't support you, you are wrong my friend. You are not shaped by the circumstances rather the outer world of circumstances shapes itself into the inner world of your thoughts.

No matter what the circumstances are, you always have the freedom to choose how to respond. And the best response is always to choose to focus on the areas you have control of. When you focus on what you have control over and improve that way, you win in life.

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.

5)Actions And Thoughts Must Go Together

The knowledge preached by some of the self-help gurus about thoughts is that you will achieve whatever you think if you just believe it. This is also represented as a law of attraction and the idea is sold to many people.

James Allen, who is also considered as the pioneer of the self-help movement was clear that just having thoughts are not enough. Thoughts are just the starting point. And if we don't harmonize our thoughts with the right actions, we will never accomplish what we are set to.

Just wishing for things and waiting for them to come to you will not help you in any way. You must go out, take action and earn it, whatever it is you want.

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9 Practical Lessons From the Book "The Art of Saying NO"

1⃣ Reasons We Struggle To Say No
❌ Most of us were raised to believe that saying no is rude and egocentric.
This belief becomes a significant part of our value system.

2⃣ The First Step
👉 You're about to learn the unhealthy reasons you dread saying no.
Recognizing them – some are less obvious than others – is the first step toward freeing yourself from the fallacious belief that saying no is mean, cold-hearted, or selfish.
3⃣ We want to avoid Offending People
💔 People often take offense at things that aren't intended to give offense.
An example is hearing the word "no" after they ask for someone's help.

4⃣ We want to avoid seeeming Selfish
🤠 Most of us care how others perceive us. We want to be thought of as good, caring, helpful individuals.
To that end, we go out of our way to appear so through our actions.
5⃣ We desire to help others
😀 Think back to the last time you helped someone. I'll bet it felt good.
Your actions or advice improved that person's day, which was probably a fantastic feeling.

6⃣ We struggle with low Self-esteem
👉 Self-esteem is a tricky, slippery thing. Sometimes, we're confident to the point that we feel we can conquer the world. Other times, we feel utterly insecure. We second guess ourselves to the point that we're unable to take any action at all.

7⃣ We want others to like us
🤓 The desire to be liked is universal. We want others to be drawn to us, to trust us, and to feel better for having spent time with us.

8⃣ We want to appear valuable
⭐️ Think back to the last time you served as a resource for someone. Maybe this person sought your advice about something.
Perhaps he or she asked your opinion. Or maybe this individual approached you for information that would benefit him .

9⃣ We succumb to emotional bullying
📍You'll occasionally run into people who refuse to take no for an answer. They'll go to great lengths to compel you to say yes, including using emotional bullying.




7 Powerful Lessons From the Book "Man's Search For Meaning"


1️⃣ Sometimes, the only way to survive is to surrender to dying.
👉 Being indifferent to death allowed people to survive. In order to survive, you had to be okay with dying any moment.

2️⃣ Your life has its own meaning and it's up to you to find it in any given moment.
❓ how you act, and how much responsibility you bring to the decisions you make determines how big your sense of meaning in life is.

3️⃣ Try to force your fears to come true to make them go away.
Another thing logotherapy does is enable people by focusing on their internal state of mind, instead of external factors, thus giving them a sense of control over their own life.

📍We can make life meaningful by preparing and searching for tasks that can define our lives.
The more you're able to find meaning from small moments, the more likely you'll be proud of the life you live.

5️⃣ Use Your Imagination to Overcome Suffering
💡Positive thoughts can act as a distraction from a horrible reality.
Frankl pushed on because he was able to retreat within himself. His body was beaten, but his spirit remained unconquerable.

6️⃣ Love finds its deepest meaning in the inner, spiritual being.
- Love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire.
- The salvation of man is through love and in love. The salvation of man is through love and in love.

7️⃣ Don't aim at success
- Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it.
- I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge.






"Developing the Leader Within You" by John C. Maxwell is a classic book on leadership development. Here are 10 lessons from the book:

1. *Leadership is Influence:* Understand that leadership is not merely a position but the ability to influence others positively.

2. *Personal Growth:* Prioritize personal growth as a continuous journey to become a better leader.

3. *Vision:* Develop a clear and compelling vision for yourself and your team to guide your leadership.

4. *Character Matters:* Place a high value on integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior as essential components of effective leadership.

5. *Prioritization:* Learn to prioritize tasks and focus on what truly matters for achieving leadership goals.

6. *Empower Others:* Empower and develop others by delegating responsibilities and fostering their growth.

7. *Effective Communication:* Master the art of effective communication to convey your vision and ideas with clarity.

8. *Decision-Making:* Make informed and timely decisions, understanding the impact they have on your team.

9. *Attitude is Everything:* Cultivate a positive attitude and mindset, as it significantly influences your leadership effectiveness.

10. *Servant Leadership:* Embrace the concept of servant leadership, where your focus is on serving and adding value to others.



🡱 🡳

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