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Online Health Awareness Talk

Started by Bravebold, Aug 01, 2023, 01:56 PM

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Make sure you do these tests before marriage:

-Fertility Profile.
-Rhesus status.
-Any Chronic medical conditions.
-HIV and other STIs
-Hepatitis B and C

Don't marry to regret for the rest of your life!




Catarrh is the medical term for build up of mucus in the back of the nose, throat or sinuses. Doctors sometimes refer to catarrh as postnasal drip.

Often catarrh is the result of an intermittent or temporary illness, such as allergy or cold. It typically goes away once the illness has passed.

However, some people may experience *chronic* *catarrh* that persists for months or even years. It's not usually a cause for concern, but it can be a nuisance to live with.

A person with catarrh may feel the need to clear their throat frequently.

Mucus is a slipper, fluid substance that the mucus glands in the nose and throat produce. It helps moisten the nasal passages while trapping any debris, viruses or bacteria a person inhales. This helps prevent pathogens from getting into the body, where they could cause infection.
The body makes 1--2 quarts of mucus every day.

After production, the mucus drips down the back of the nose ND into the throat.

Usually people swallow the mucus without thinking about it. However, sometimes, the mucus can build up in the nose, throat or sinuses.


Some symptoms of Catarrh include;

✍️ A tickling feeling of mucus draining into the throat rasping or gurgling when talking.
✍️ Feeling as though there is a lump in the throat having to clear the throat frequently.
✍️ Coughing and difficulty in swallowing
✍️ Sore throat
✍️ Blocked or stuffy nose.
✍️ Headache, loss of taste or smell and difficulty in sleeping.

✍️Changes in weather conditions.
✍️ Eating Spicy foods.
✍️ High fever or allergic rhinitis nonallergic rhinitis viruses, such as the common cold sinus infection and nasal polyps.
✍️ Gastroesophageal reflux(GER).
✍️ Hormone changes during pregnancy.
✍️ Certain medications in children, having something stuck in the nose is a common cause of catarrh.

 *When to see a Doctor*
A person should visit their doctor if they experience chronic catarrh that has persisted for several months or more, or if they find that catarrh is interfering with their everyday.

People also seek medical help if catarrh is accompanied by any of the following symptoms;

An unexplained high fever wheezing, shortness of breath blood in the mucus, foul-smelling. Mucus.

Catarrh is a symptom with an underlying cause and it's typically harmless.
However, a person may seek treatment for the cause of persistent catarrh that is associated with pain, discomfort or irritation.

Over the counter (OTC) Treatment for catarrh include;
✍️ Nasal irrigation Oral decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed).
✍️ Mucus thinning medication such as guaifenesin( Mucinex) antihistamines to treat allergic causes of catarrh.
✍️ Pain relievers such as Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help ease headaches.

 *Home Treatment also includes;*
✍️ Drinking plenty of water using an indoor humidifier inhaling the steam during a hot shower.
✍️ Gargling with warm salt water.
✍️ Using a saltwater solution to clean the insides of the nostrils.
✍️ Sleeping on propped up pillows.

Complied by Mr Albert Donkor.

 *Your Health Our Priority* ✍️🤍✅



WHY do people talk in their sleep?

Sleep talking is a common sleep disorder and, according to some researchers, occurs in 50% of young children. Sleep talking in adults occurs in about 5% of cases.

Dreaming is more common in people who are excitable and have experienced strong impressions, both positive and negative, on the previous day.

Still dreaming and dreaming are different things. A dream may be fantastic, unreal. Dreaming, as a rule, reflects real events experienced by a person.




WHY does beer make the belly grow?
The consequences of drinking beer are negative for men. When drinking this heady drink frequently, the content of estrogen (the female hormone) in the male body increases.
It contributes to the accumulation of excess blubber, which results in the formation of the so-called "beer belly".
It also leads to a serious hormonal failure, which spoils the figure and worsens men's @health.



The skin has only four colors

Without pigment, the skin is creamy white. Blood vessels that run near the surface give it a reddish blush.

In addition, there is a yellow pigment in the skin of any color. The last shade is the tone of melanin, which protects the body from UV rays.

In the end, the skin color of every person on the planet depends on the proportions in which these four shades are combined.




WHY does motion sickness occur?

It is caused by a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus, responsible for keeping us firmly on feet.
It reacts to changes in the position of the head and body in space, as well as to acceleration.
When a person's body moves and sways in a car or on a boat, the brain receives conflicting information from the different senses, which causes nausea, dizziness, and headaches.




What is Situs Inversus?

Situs inversus is a condition in which the organs of the chest and abdomen are arranged in a perfect mirror image reversal of the normal positioning.
Normal human development results in an asymmetrical arrangement of the organs within the chest and abdomen. Typically, the heart and spleen lies on the left side of the body (levocardia), the liver liver is located on the right, and the lung on the left has two lobes while the lung on the right has three lobes. This normal arrangement is known as situs solitus.
However, in about 1 in 8,500 people, the organs of the chest and abdomen are arranged in the exact opposite position: the heart is on the right (dextrocardia), as is the two-lobed lung, and the liver, spleen, and three-lobed lung are on the left. Yet because this arrangement, called situs inversus, is a perfect mirror image, the relationship between the organs is not changed, so functional problems rarely occur.




 WHY can't people breathe and swallow at the same time?
The complex structure of the adult vocal apparatus does not allow humans, unlike animals, to breathe and swallow at the same time.
❗️Behind the root of the tongue is the supraglottic cartilage (epiglottis). It closes the entrance to the larynx when a food lump is swallowed, then opens to allow air to pass into the larynx and then through the respiratory tract.








WHY is the temperature on the thermometer set at 42° C?

Have you ever boiled an egg? After a few minutes of boiling, the protein curdles, becomes dense and white; this process is called denaturation.
 At 42°C, the body also starts denaturing (clotting) blood proteins.
Furthermore, at this temperature, metabolic disorders begin in the brain. Such a condition is already incompatible with life, i.e. fatal.



One quarter of all your bones are located in your feet.

There are 26 bones in each foot. That's 52 bones in both feet, out of 206 total bones in your whole body, which is more than 25 percent. It may sound crazy at first, but think about it: Your feet support your weight and allow you to jump, run, and climb. Those bones and joints also allow your feet to absorb and release energy efficiently. It's one of the reasons humans can outrun any other animal in an endurance race.



��What is the meaning of Rx, Nrx and XRx printed on medicine packs

This is related to pharmacology and pharmacy.
Generally, in a prescriptions written by doctors have these symbols at the beginning.
• Rx-
◦ It actually comes from the word 'Recipere', meaning prepare.
◦ In medieval times, pharmacists used to make drugs and doctors would just write down the components and amounts to be needed and send the patients to the pharmacists with the prescription. The pharmacist would then prepare the drug as per doctor's instruction and give it to the patient with proper drug regimen.
◦ Now, pharamcists do not prepare drugs, rather dispense them. So Rx signifies the drugs in schedule H & H1 non-narcotic drugs, that means the can only be obtained by producing a prescription and not over-the-counter.
• NRx-
◦ The extra N prefix means the drug in the prescription has narcotic properties and are addictive.
◦ This also means that the prescription needs to be filled and signed every time by a doctor and the drug cannot be obtained if the prescription doesn't contain a recent date.
• XRx-
◦ This means the prescription contains a Narcotic and Psychotropic drug.
◦ So the drug retailer has to save a copy of the prescription for 2 years and has to produce the them on any enquiry on court order.
Nowadays these are not commonly used. Doctors usually write 'Adv' means 'Advice' and then write the drugs. It's the duty of the pharmacist to determine what drug is given and document it for future legal evidences.


How the kidneys work?

The kidneys absorb and distribute 99.9% of the blood volume. Only 0.1% of filtered blood turns into urine.

To help your kidneys better excrete metabolic products, drink more pure water! No detox tea will help you as much as plain pure WATER.


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