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AMORC,Rosicrucians,The Rosae Crucis and The Order of the Rose Cross.

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AMORC,Rosicrucians,The Rosae Crucis and
The Order of the Rose Cross.



They are clandestine, esoteric & thought to posses a magical, almost mystical powers. Who are they really? What do we know about them, their methods, rituals & membership? Let's find out, shall we?

Following the French & the American Revolutions, the execution of Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette, & the Declaration of Independence by America's 13 Colonies, people began to seek knowledge outside established the authority.

Described as a blend of Egyptian, Brahmanic, Persian, Pythagorean & Arab, the Rosicrucians are thought to attempt to make contact with Genie & the spirits of Ancient Egyptian's underworld.

Their origins is traced to the Mystery School called "Per-Ankh" or House of Life, established in Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III & Hatshepsut, around 1500 BCE. Both Pharaohs united Egypt's different cults into a single state priesthood.

The Rosicrucians would claim their most famous members were Akhenaten & his wife, Nefertiti (the beautiful one has come).

Their founding motto is "Non Omnis Moriari," meaning "I shall not wholly die," is a quote from the Roman Poet, Horace. It is believed to be from the members who fled Egypt into Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome, where they kept the Order alive.

Walt Disney & a couple of railroad billionaires & famous actors of the 20th century, were alleged members.

Some of alleged famous Rosicrucians:

Édith Piaf.
Walt Disney.
Victor Hugo.
Isaac Newton.
Blaise Pascal.
Thomas Paine.
Dante Alighieri.
Giordano Bruno.
René Descartes.
Abraham Lincoln.
Benjamin Franklin.
Leonardo Da Vinci.
George Washington.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
William Lloyd Garrison.

Freemasonry activities in Scotland in the 1700s, as well as many satanic, witchcraft, & demonology cults of the Victorian age, were inspired by The Rosae Crucis. The battle between science, religion & esotericism gave birth to Rosicrucianism.

The Order of the Rose Cross arose in Europe in the 17th Century. Unlike their clandestine peer, the Illuminati, Rosicrucians concern themselves with spiritism & seeking higher power through the knowledge of the esoteric (that which is so mysterious, & understood by a select few).

They were thought to posses the potential to set people on their path to salvation. They sort the means through which immortality could be achieved. They will go to any length to achieve that, including suicide. You've seen much of their believes, rituals & practices in Hollywood movies.

The book "Fama Fraternitatis," discovered in 1614 says the body of their putative founder, "Christian Rosenkreuz," was found intact by the members of order. The legend claim that before his passing, Rosenkreuz was privy to the many secrets of antiquity.

But Historians argue that Christian Rosenkreuz never existed. He may have been invented to embody the ideas & goals of the Rosicrucians. After the wave of Revolutions, people needed a motivation to join, so the story had to be invented.

The Rosicrucians wanted to free the society from the confines of its narrow order. Hence they began to study the Bible, combining it with: Christian mysticism, Christian gnosticism, Egyptian hermeticism, the Jewish Kabbalah, & alchemy.

The Jewish Kabbalah & medieval religiosity features predominantly in their rituals. People were questioning the religious view of the world, & science offered the explanation through alchemy. This presented a perfect breeding ground for a secret society to germinate, & thrive.

Alchemists believe that (the world as we know it, with all its knowledge & secrets, must be persevered & carried into the New World Order, via a secret society. They believe there was a Fifth State of Matter, a quintessence, a Philosopher's Stone).



AMORC,Rosicrucians,The Rosae Crucis and
The Order of the Rose Cross.



They are clandestine, esoteric & thought to posses a magical, almost mystical powers. Who are they really? What do we know about them, their methods, rituals & membership? Let's find out, shall we?

Following the French & the American Revolutions, the execution of Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette, & the Declaration of Independence by America's 13 Colonies, people began to seek knowledge outside established the authority.

Described as a blend of Egyptian, Brahmanic, Persian, Pythagorean & Arab, the Rosicrucians are thought to attempt to make contact with Genie & the spirits of Ancient Egyptian's underworld.

Their origins is traced to the Mystery School called "Per-Ankh" or House of Life, established in Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III & Hatshepsut, around 1500 BCE. Both Pharaohs united Egypt's different cults into a single state priesthood.

The Rosicrucians would claim their most famous members were Akhenaten & his wife, Nefertiti (the beautiful one has come).

Their founding motto is "Non Omnis Moriari," meaning "I shall not wholly die," is a quote from the Roman Poet, Horace. It is believed to be from the members who fled Egypt into Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome, where they kept the Order alive.

Walt Disney & a couple of railroad billionaires & famous actors of the 20th century, were alleged members.

Some of alleged famous Rosicrucians:

Édith Piaf.
Walt Disney.
Victor Hugo.
Isaac Newton.
Blaise Pascal.
Thomas Paine.
Dante Alighieri.
Giordano Bruno.
René Descartes.
Abraham Lincoln.
Benjamin Franklin.
Leonardo Da Vinci.
George Washington.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
William Lloyd Garrison.

Freemasonry activities in Scotland in the 1700s, as well as many satanic, witchcraft, & demonology cults of the Victorian age, were inspired by The Rosae Crucis. The battle between science, religion & esotericism gave birth to Rosicrucianism.

The Order of the Rose Cross arose in Europe in the 17th Century. Unlike their clandestine peer, the Illuminati, Rosicrucians concern themselves with spiritism & seeking higher power through the knowledge of the esoteric (that which is so mysterious, & understood by a select few).

They were thought to posses the potential to set people on their path to salvation. They sort the means through which immortality could be achieved. They will go to any length to achieve that, including suicide. You've seen much of their believes, rituals & practices in Hollywood movies.

The book "Fama Fraternitatis," discovered in 1614 says the body of their putative founder, "Christian Rosenkreuz," was found intact by the members of order. The legend claim that before his passing, Rosenkreuz was privy to the many secrets of antiquity.

But Historians argue that Christian Rosenkreuz never existed. He may have been invented to embody the ideas & goals of the Rosicrucians. After the wave of Revolutions, people needed a motivation to join, so the story had to be invented.

The Rosicrucians wanted to free the society from the confines of its narrow order. Hence they began to study the Bible, combining it with: Christian mysticism, Christian gnosticism, Egyptian hermeticism, the Jewish Kabbalah, & alchemy.

The Jewish Kabbalah & medieval religiosity features predominantly in their rituals. People were questioning the religious view of the world, & science offered the explanation through alchemy. This presented a perfect breeding ground for a secret society to germinate, & thrive.

Alchemists believe that (the world as we know it, with all its knowledge & secrets, must be persevered & carried into the New World Order, via a secret society. They believe there was a Fifth State of Matter, a quintessence, a Philosopher's Stone).




Cambridge & Yale was the breeding ground for knowledge seekers in the 17th century, & many came to seek it. Sir Isaac Newton (the Great Alchemist & father of Physics) led a double life. He engaged in research during the day. At nights? he turned alchemy, hoping to find that elusive Philosopher's Stone.

A member of the Prestigious Royal Society (the Mecca of Scientific Research) in the heart of London, Newton would have been in contact with the Rosicrucians (who were founding members of the Royal Society).

He saw the world as a puzzle God left mankind to solve. Whether he was a member of the Rose Cross is a subject of controversy & intense speculations, till this day. The world may never know.

Ancient Order of the Rose Cross still reside in Vienna. But much of it has changed since the days of Sir Isaac Newton. Emperor Joseph II (the ruler of Habsburg Monarchy & brother of Marie-Antoinette) met with AMORC's inner circle, for meditations.

In October of 1994, over seventy members of the Solar Temple in Canada & in Switzerland (who were esoteric sects & adherents of Rosicrucian ideas), committed mass suicide. A tragedy that shook the world. A suicide note read; "we shall return, because the Rosy Cross is immortal."

AMORC is a more esoteric, more spiritual, & more mysterious than the Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, & the Illuminati. The Order of the Rose Cross is a serious stuff, not to be trifled with. They believe in attaining Salvation & immortality through suicide.

AMORC, Rosicrucians, Rosae Crucis, Order of the Rose Cross, by its very nature & existence, is established not to rule nations, but to control it. They have been part of human civilizations since antiquity. They are surrounded by a wall of silence which give rise to their very name, a 'Secret Society.'




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