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Motivation / More quotable quotes
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*The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any* ." — Alice Walker

" *In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends* ." — Dr Martin Luther King Jr

" *To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men* ." — Ella Wheeler Wilcox
 *"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality* ." — Archbishop Desmond Tutu

 *"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true." —* Dr Martin Luther King Jr

" *As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest."* — Nelson Mandela

" *What is the source of our first suffering? It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things within us* ." – Gaton Bachelard

" *We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference* ." — Elie Wiesel

" *Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral* ." — Paulo Freire

" *Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on* ." — Thurgood Marshall

" *Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly* ."
– Mahatma Gandhi

" *The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people* ." — Dr Martin Luther King Jr

" *Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph* ." — Haile Selassie

" *If I sit silently, I have sinned* ." — Mohammad Mossadegh

" **Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope."* — Robert F Kennedy*
Oporoma / Re: Ogboinbiri community
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 Environmentalists demand prompt response to Ogboinbiri community oil spill.
THE Environmental Defenders
Network, an environmental
rights group, has called on
regulatory agencies and oil
companies to respond promptly
when oi spils occur to forestall
the spread and destruction of the
detention of the
The EDEN call is coming as
the Ogboinbiri community in
Southern ljaw Local Government
Area of Bayelsa State recorded
the first ol spill on the 14-inch
•The community
since Oando completed a $783m
takeover of the assets of the
Nigeria Agip Oi Company.
According to the Deputy
Executive Director of EDEN,
Alagoa Morris, the spill which
ocCurred on Friday, September
5. has affected swamps, streams
and farmlands, and disrupted
fishing activities in the area with
the National Oi1 Spill Detection
and Response Agency and Oando
Plc yet to move to avert a major
environmental disaster.
Speaking on the incident on
Tuesday, a resident, Maxwel
Oseke, said: "This spill happened
on September 5, 2024. But as
I said earlier, the previous one
that I was part of the assessment
team, I will not be specific with
dates, but if I should go back to
my pictures and whatever in my
gadget, I will be able to come up
with the date as I have pictures
and videos that I posted on my
Facebook page.
receiving very due
"It is not to my notice that
previous spill-impacted sites
were cleaned up. If a deamup
was done, it would have showm
in the environmernt. If there was
a proper cleanup, you are here I
think your cameras can capture
some of the charTed trees from
the previous spill-impacted site
that was set ablaze. So, there was
no proper cleanup.
This current spill is because
of equipment failure; that I can
assure you. There has been a
Joint Investigation Visit and, they
won't deny what I just said."
Contiued on

Oporoma / Ogboinbiri community
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Ogboinbiri community

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Akpawfu / Enugu rights group accuses pol...
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Enugu rights group accuses police of shooting five detainees in Akpawfu community

The civil Rights Realisation
and Advancement Network
has submitted a petition to
the Inspetor General of
Police, seeking redres for five
individuals who were allegedly
subjected to torture and shot
in the legs by police oficers in
Enugu State.
Some sources and residents
The petition, signed by
CRRAN President, Olu
Omotayo, Esq. and dated
September 16, requested the
IG to take immediate action to
address the situation.
The five individuals, who are
members of the Neighbourhood
Watch in Akpawfu community,
Nkanu East Local Government
Area, Enugu State, are - Sunday
Nwobodo (also known as Divine
Spoon), Onyeka Nnaji, Nnamdi
Gabriel, Nweze Igweshi and
Nwabunkeonye Nnamani.
The petition demanded the IG
to also ensure their immediate
release or arraignment in a court
of law, should they be suspected
of committing an offence.
It also demanded a thorough
investigation into the alleged
torture and shooting of the
The petition partly read: "The
family members of the above
named detainees informed
us that they were randomly
arrested between August 3,
2024, and August, 12, 2024,
from the community.
"We were further informed
that one Mr. Nnaji was reported
to have been killed some time
in July 2024, by unknown
persons in the community. The
community thereafter arrested
one Mr. Ogodo and two others
who they suspected had a land
dispute with the deceased and
handed them over to the police
in the area, but the police later
released the suspects and
invited some members of the
community's Neighbourhood
Watch to report to the Octopus
members reported to the Plr
and they bave since been
We were further ior
that the police have
access to the detainees by
families and lawyer
further stated that when s
members of the community
allowed to see the detainees t
weeks ago, they were al in
as they had been tortured
shot on their legs by the Police
while in detention.

Bokkos / Congo and Zarap Community onli...
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Congo and Zarap Community online

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Bokkos / Mbar Community online
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Mbar Community online
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Awka / Re: Ezinano Community
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Ezinano community petitions PSC chair,
protests officer's alleged misconduct


LEADERS and titled chiefs
of Ezinano
Ezinano community in
Awka South Local Government
Area of Anambra State have
petitioned the Chairman of the
Police Service Commission,
Hasimu Argungu, seeking for
the investigation of the officer-in-
charge of Police Rapid Response
Squad, Awkuzu, Supol Iburu
The community is protesting
and accusing Supol Ifeanyi of
various alleged misconducts
bordering on unlawfu]
activities, including unlawful
use of firearms, harassment,
threat to life, intimidation, and
meddling in land matters.
They urged the PSC to
investigate and take disciplinary
action against Supol feanyi.
•Contiuued on

Awka / Ezinano Community
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Ezinano Community online
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Ukpor / Re: Achalla Agu Community
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Residentsof Ugwu Mkpume layout I. Achalla Agu Community seek intervention as flood
havoc in their community.

Several families and persons are currently affected and displaced by a flood disaster at Ugwu MKpume layout , Achalla Agu Community in Nkpor
Idemili North Local Government
Area of Anambra State.
South-East PUNCH indings
showed that the severe
impact of flooding has been a
persistent issue in Anambra in
recent years, especially across
communities near the River
Niger and other flood-prone
areas. With the prediction of
NIMET of impending flooding
in the months to come, the worst
may not have come yet.
Anambra, being among the
states being pencilled down by
NIMET to be affected by the
impending flooding, residents are
worried that if critical steps and
deliberate effort are not taking to
forestall this danger, it might spell
doom across all facets, incuding
lives and property, farmlands and
•Trapped victimns and submerged houses in the community
livestock, among others.
South-East PUNCH had
reported that two persons,
including a mother of three
children and a yet-to-be-
identified young man, were
recently killed in the flood that
suddenly hit the Ugwu Mkpume
Layout, Achalla Agu community
in Nkpor, on September 6, 2024,
during a midnight downpour.
The victims were reportedly
asleep when the flood suddenly
broke into their houses and swept
them away.
•Continued on

Ukpor / Achalla Agu Community
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Achalla Agu Community

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